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Firstly, make sure that IPX is running. Then type:-
on the command line. The system will read the D2ASI.CNF configuration file described in 3.5 below. There are certain command line options which should not normally be necessary. These are:-
/a or /A use alternate serial port (COM2. COM1 is default)
/l or /L initiate debug log file immediately
/x or /X test without network connexion (Dealing 2000 only)
/m or /M used if no modem control signals are used on the D2000 to D2ASI link.
Any other code will be reported and ignored.
The system reports all parameters and pauses between them. The parameters are:-
1. (optional) command line options,
2. the configuration file,
3. the ports and their status. Zero is good.
The user is given the opportunity abort the run by typing <ESC after each parameter group.
Every poll interval during normal running, inactive users are polled to give them an opportunity to sign back on correctly after certain error conditions. When a user signs on to their terminal, the ASL-API will poll the D2ASI, so there is no delay in the sign-on procedure. A poll sequence consists of a broadcast network message with a header and two byte of data attached. This bytes are D2ASI, as defined in the 'aslib.h' header file, to avoid confusion with other systems using the ASL network convention on the LAN.
If the system is halted by operator action (see below), BTS is polled with a sign-off message. No new requests will then be accepted from BTS. Any outstanding deals chained will be written to the BATCH file. All files are closed and the system shuts down.
Unlike the GLGATE system, there is no logical end-of-day but the system can be shut down by an <F10 keystroke, whereupon all use flags are cleared, a record of outstanding deals is written to the hard disc and the system shut down.
TFS is informed by an error message that no activity has been detected on the link for five minutes. Should it recover, TFS will be aware of it because messages will start to flow again.
Error messages will be displayed on the D2ASI screen and Status Line and the system will start to beep. This beeping will stop if <F6 is pressed by an operator who can investigate the problem. Insofar as it is possible, error messages will have been displayed on the screen or (if there is a printer available) printed.
This is detected by time-outs and up to five retries being ignored by the user. This could be something as simple as the user turning off their terminal without logging off. However it occurs, a message will be displayed.
This file is called D2ASI.CNF and must be present or the system cannot start up. It is an ASCII text file and can be created using any edit program that does not automatically replace <TAB characters with spaces (as does the Microsoft Qbasic editor supplied with DOS. The Windows Notepad is ok). The fields are:-
1{<port number 0 to 2><TAB>< concentrator ID<LF>}n
for each concentrator and where n is a maximum of four.
D2ASI distiguished between concentrator types by the number of characters in the name. This is four for Dealing 2000 and 12 for the ASI.
This is a copy of all the messages that have appeared on the screen and is used for diagnostics only.
This is a list of outstanding deals. There are two of these called D21.BCH and D20.BCH, one for read and one for write. They alternate.
This is a list of deals as they are received by D2ASI. The name is the date + ATR. Eg FEB2293.ATR.
This is a list of packets sent to the dealers or BATCH.The name is the date + ATO. Eg FEB2293.ATO.
Important. The ATO files can get very large and so these audit files should be cleared down often and this can be done in real-time by loading a floppy disc into drive a: and hitting <ALT-F5>. Make sure that the files will not overflow one floppy disc. Best to do it every day before dealing starts, not after, as today's file is never archived.
The files exist to clear up any questions about deals not recorded in the back office.
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Contact: Ken Baldry at Art & Science,
17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY
Head office:+44(0)02 7359 6294 or e-mail him
This page's URL: http://www.art-science.com/Computer/D2ASI/ch3.html
Last revised 23/2/2001
Copyright: Art & Science 1998-2001 All rights reserved.