This appendix concerns sources available for Family Historians and Genealogists in the UK. Sources for USA, Canada and Australia are shown in the respective chapters dealing with the Delaforce family in that country. This chapter also briefly covers some sources in New Zealand. South Africa, Eire and other countries. Because these data were assembled many years ago, some of this information will inevitably be out-of-date. Any prices quoted below will be themselves of quaint historical interest.
Certain major sources have been covered in more detail and are shown in the following order:
1 Parish Registers.
2 Public Record Offices.
3 Census Data and Records.
4 Wills and Testaments.
5 CFI/IGI - Mormon Church.
6 Aliens and Immigrants.
7 Guilds and Livery Companies.
8 The Society of Genealogists.
9 The British (Museum) Library.
10 The Guildhall Library.
11 The Huguenot Society.
Other sources are then shown in alphabetical order.
Part I Parish Registers
Registers of births/baptisms, marriages and deaths are of course the single most valuable source for family history and genealogy. A lot of excellent books have been published on the sources pre 1837. These should be consulted before research is undertaken to reduce the amount of time that may be wasted.
From 1837 the Civil registrations of births and marriages are to he found at the Family History Centre, Myddleton Street, London EC1. The indexes are arranged alphabetically by surname in quarterly volumes. Put another way, to examine all the records to piece together an unknown family 1740 volumes need to be consulted! Consulting the indexes is free: Certificates can be purchased. The search rooms are open Monday to Friday 8.30a.m. to 4.30pm.
Birth certificates give (a) the place and date of birth (b) the child's given names (c) the name and occupation of the father (d) the name and maiden name of the mother and (e) the name and address of the informant for the registration.
Marriage certificates give the (a) names and (b) the ages of the two parties to the marriage (c) their respective addresses (d) the names and occupations of both parties fathers (e) and date and (f) the place of the marriage and (g) the names of the witnesses.
Death certificates record (a) name (b) date (c) place (d) age (e) the cause of death (f) the occupation of the deceased and (g) residence if difterent from the place of death (h) the name and address of the information for registration purpose. Neither place of birth nor parentage are shown on the death certificate.
It can be seen that since 1837 tracing of ancestors by painstaking cross-analysis and a certain expenditure of key certificates is perfectly possible but extremely hard physical work initially and hard mental work afterwards! For instance some 500 Delaforce entries over the 145 years would have cost over £2,000 if purchase of all certificates had been warranted.
Records from 1538 are held (a) either by the Incumbent (b) or the appropriate county record office. Many of them are on microfilm and quite a few are indexed. For instance the Greater London Record Office, 40 Northampton Road. Clerkenwell EC1 holds the parish registers of well over 300 parishes within the former counties of London and Middlesex (excluding the City of London hold at the Guildhall, and Westminster held at the Victoria Librarv. 160 Buckingham Palace Road. London SW1). Norman H. Grahams first-class "Consolidated Guides to the London area' should be purchased and consulted, and the Guildhall Library 'Parish Registers' hand-books consulted for anybody researching the Greater London area.
The Society of Genealogists in London hold the biggest collection of transcripts of Parish Registers which are invaluable shortcuts' for researchers. They have also published a National Index of Parish Registers, not yet completed but equally invaluable. Their Boyds Marriage Index is vital. The Mormon Computer File Index (sourced in this book) is absolutely vital to any researcher of parish records in the period 1550-1837.
Publications worth reading are:
"Public Record Office Leaflet No 1" free and excellent!
"Guide to City of London Parish Registers" at Guildhall Library.
"Genealogists Consolidated Guide to Parish Registers in London 1535-1837" 3 vols. Graham.
"Original parish registers in record offices and libraries" pub LPS. Tawney House, Matlock, Derbyshire.
"A list of Parishes in Boyds Marriage Index" by R W Massey "British Museum Library pamphlets 6/7/8" - free: BML also have many copies of Parish Registers.
'Society of Genealogists leaflet No 2" also "Parish Registers copies Part 1 & 11".
"LDS Church Parish & Vital records listing" lists CFI Index
registers. (LDS stands for Latter Day Saints i.e. the Mormons). "National Index of parish registers" Ed. D.J. Steele at Soc of Genealogists.
Nearly all records and registers other than the Church of England are kept by the Keeper of Public Records, PRO, Chancery Lane, London WC2.
Crockfords Clerical Directory (at your local library) will give you the name and address of the Incumbent (Clergyman) and address of every diocese in Great Britain for direct consultation if post 1837 records. If he does not hold the particular year needed he will tell you where it is (PRO or CR0).
Recommended Reading
"How to find Marriage Indexes" M.J. Walcot and Family History Societies Federation.
"Bishop Transcripts and Marriage Licences, Guide to Locations" J.S.W. Gibson
Pallot's Marriage Index covers 1780-1837, for London, Middlesex, Kent Surrey, Essex and Middlesex: small fee payable to Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies, Northgate, Canterbury, Kent.
"Phillimores Marriages" BCM Pinhoras, London WClV 6XX.
Part 2 Public Record offices
The PRO is now known as the National Archives & housed in a modern building at Ruskin Avenue, Kew (use Kew Gardens tube station). Note that only pencils are allowed as writing instruments! They have a web site on this link.
Other Record Offices in Great Britain
(a) The Record Office, House of Lords Westminster (01-219 3000) records of Parliament.
(b) The Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherines House, 10 Kingsway WC2 (01-242 0262) - registrations of births, marriages and deaths since 1837.
(c) The Scottish Record Office, General Register House, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 (031-556 6585).
(d) The General Register Office of Scotland, New Register House, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 (031-556 3952) - register of births, marriages and deaths in Scotland.
(e) The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 66 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast, Tel. 661621.
(f) The General Register Office, Oxford House, 49-55 Chichester Street, Belfast BT1. Tel. 35211 register of births, marriages and deaths in N. Ireland.
(g) Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2 (01-405 7641).
(h) General Register Office, Douglas, Isle of Man. Tel. Douglas 3358.
(i) Registrar General, States Office, Royal Square, Jersey.
(j) National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed 5Y23 3BU.
Tel. Aberystwyth 3816/7.
(k) County Record Offices are in Bedford, Reading, Aylesbury, Cambridge, Chester, Truro, Carlisle, Matlock, Exeter, Plymouth, Dorchester. Durham. Chelmsford. Gloucester. Bristol, Winchester, Portsmouth, Southampton, Hereford, Hertford, Huntingdon. Maidstone. Canterbury, Preston, Manchester, Liverpool, Salford, Wigan, Bolton, Leicester. Lincoln, Grimsby, Norwich, Northampton, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Shrewsbury, Taunton, Bath, Stafford, Lichfield, Ipswich, St. Edmunds, Kingston upon Thames, Guildford, Lewes, Chichester, Warwick, Coventry, Kendal, Newport Isle of Wight, Trowbridge, Salisbury, Worcester, Northallerton, Wakefield, Sheffield, Bradford, Leeds, Beverley, Kingston upon Hull.
(I) General Register Office (PRO), St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, Aldwych, London WC2 (01-242 0262) all UK births, marriages and deaths since 1837. GRO at St Catherine's House also holds separate indexes for (1) Army returns of births, marriages and deaths from 1761 (2) for RAF from 1920 (3) Consular returns of births, marriages and deaths of British citizens in foreign countries from 1849 (4) births and deaths at sea 1837-74.
(m) Greater London Record Office, 40 Northampton Road, Clerkenwell, London EC1.
Recommended reading
PRO leaflets (free) 37,1,2,4,6,7,26,32 and 34.
"Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office" HMSO 3 volumes.
"Record Offices: how to find them" by T. Gibson and P. Peskett.
"Tracing your Ancestors in the Public Record Office" by J Cox and T. Padfield.
"Record Repositories in Great Britain" HMSO.
Part 3 Census Data and Records
The first census of population in England and Wales was held in 1801, and have been held ever since, apart from the war year of 1941. From 1841 they are of significant value to family historians provided a reasonably accurate geographical area can be pinpointed before the search begins, since a complete family with names and ages can be located. For 1841-1881 census data are held at the PRO in Portugal Street in the Land Registry building, London WC2. A day pass can be obtained at the door without charge.
The Guildhall Library has census returns for the City of London for 1841-1881. The County Local Record Offices all hold microfilm data for the 1841-81 census data. Very few indexes have yet been published but those that have should be consulted in Mr Gibson's books mentioned below.
Essential reading
"Census Returns on Microfilm" 1841/1871 by J.S.W. Gibson
"Census Indexes and Indexing" by J. Gibson and C. Chapman. Public Record Office leaflet No 2 - Censuses of Population.
Guide to Census Reports, Great Britain 1801-1966 HMSO.
Part 4 Wills and Testaments
To some extent this subject is covered in chapter 23. This is such an important subject that many leaflets and books have been written about the problems of locating wills, since there are 300 locations for pre 1858 wills! Many were rightly called 'peculiars'. After having thoroughly checked the Principal Probate Registry at the Probate Search Room, First Avenue House, 42 High Holborn, London for post 1858 wills, the best advice initially is (a) to visit the PRO Chancery Lane to examine the major source there. The Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) in the Wills Room on the first floor (readers ticket necessary). The Death Duty registers (PRO leaflet 34) are on open shelves at the PRO Chancery Lane, Wills Room, for estates since 1796 liable to duty). (b) to read the PRO free leaflet No 4 on Probate Records. (c) visit the Guildhall MSS section which holds the original records of the Commissary Court of London; the Archdeaconry Court of London and also the Royal Peculiar of St. Katherine by the Tower. Also PCC Indexes 1383-1629, 1653- 1660, 1671-1700. (d) Visit and consult the Society of Genealogists which has the best collection of regional wills for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. (e) Consult your local Public Records Office. (f) Consult your local Family History Society. (g) British Record Society publications.
Essential reading
"Wills and where to find them" J.S.W. Gibson.
"A simplified Guide to Probate Jurisdictions" by J.S.W. Gibson.
"Records of Prerogative Court of Canterbury" PRO
"Index of London wills before 1700" Marc Fitch for British Record Society.
"Commissary Court of London 1374-1488" by M. Fitch, Index library vol 82/86.
British Record Society's County Indexes for Wills
"Wills and their whereabouts" by A.J. Camp
"Family History - Wills and inventories, chap XVII" by D. Steel
"London Consistory Court Wills 1492-1547" by I. Darlington "Indexes to the ancient testamentary records of Westminster" by A.M. Burke
"Calend of Wills in the Court of Hustings 1258-1688" by R.R. Sharpe.
Part 5 Computer File Index/IGI
From 1894 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in Cottonwool Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah, (The Mormons) have been engaged in collecting records of baptisms and marriages for their own purposes not necessarily for research. A computer file index (CFI or IGI) has been produced which is updated every few years and produced on microfiche on small cards and is also on the Internet. There are 2914 fiche for the British Isles, each covering about 16,000 names equivalent to 360 pages of parish registers! The 1981 version is available at the Society of Genealogists, covering some 30 million ancestors. Also available at the Mormon Library, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 (Wednesday afternoons).
There is an index of the surnames covered on each fiche at the lower right hand corner of the fiche. Usually for a small sum a printout of the whole page can be obtained at the press of a button, for study at home. Mormon Chapels with CFI index are in Huddersfield (0484-27099); Loughborough/Leics (0509-214991); Merthyr Tydfil/Glamorgan (0685-2455); Southampton (0703-767476); Sunderland (0783-284561).
Each entry has eleven columns of which the first six only are vital (1) name of the person married or baptised (2) name of the parents or spouse (3) Sex shown by M, F or H, W (4) Type of entry Birth, Christening or marriage (5) Date (6) Parish.
Indexed by each English County, arranged chronologically by surname, given name and date. Sections for Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and two each for Wales and Monmouthshire. Strongest in the London, Cornwall, Devon, Lancashire, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire areas where the majority of original emigrants lived. There are 23 million entries for the British Isles. London/Middlesex has 3 million, Lancashire 2 million but some counties have under 200,000 entries.
Baptisms and marriages are mixed up together on the same microfiche. Surnames are grouped under standard spellings devised by the Genealogical Society.
The Index can be seen at Mormon Chapels; Guildhall; Society of Genealogists but some CROs have local data available: also some Family History Societies.
"Parish & Vital Records Listing" published by the Gen. Dept. of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints available from L.D.S. Church, Exhibition Road, London SW7. Many other countries have been covered including Scandinavia and other European countries. The new title is the International Genealogical Index (IGI).
Part 6 Aliens and Immigrants
There are two major sources of information available for research into names of foreigners coming to live in England in the last six hundred years.
(1) The Public Records Offices in London (mainly at Chancery Lane and Kew) hold vital originals
Chancery Miscellanea (C 47)
Exchequer Extents of Alien Priories (E 106)
Exchequer Subsidy Rolls (E 179)
Exchequer Accounts Various (E 101)
Parliamentary Rolls (C 65)
Patent Rolls (C 66, C 67)
Chancery Close Rolls (C 54)
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, vols I-V (SP 14,15,29 and 30)
Aliens Acts (HO 1,2,3 and 5) inc Entry Books
Domestic Entry Book (SP 44167)
Swearing or Oath Rolls (KB 24)
Oaths of Allegiance (E 169/86)
Chancery Original Denizations (C97)
Original Patents for Denization (HO 4)
Bouillon Papers (HO 69)
Privy Council (PC 1) and (FO 95)
Passenger Lists (BT 26 and 32)
Treasury Records (T 93)
Certificates of Naturalisation 1844-1900 (Home Office)
Registered Papers (HO 45 and 144)
PRO Lists and Indexes No.XXXV pp 103-7, No.XLII, No.XLVI
PRO Lists & Indexes No.XLVI (1922)
Genealogists Magazine Vol XII 1956 (pp 149-154, 185-188)
Guide to the Contents of the Public Record Office, 3 vols
HMSO" see at all major Public Libraries Treasury (T), Colonial Office (CO), Home Office (HO), Board of Trade (BT) and Foreign Office (FO) documents should be consulted at PRO at Kew.
(2) The Huguenot Society of London have published excellent records of Aliens and Immigrants which can be consulted at the Society (members), or at major libraries such as the Guildhall, and British Museum Library.
Volume VIII Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalisation for Aliens in England 1509-1603.
Volume X lists of Aliens resident in London, Henry VIII to James I in three parts and index (1523-1623) by R.E. and E.F. Kirk.
Volume XVI II letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalisation for Aliens in England and Ireland 1603-1700.
Volume XXVIII letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalisation for Aliens in England and Ireland 1603-1700.
Volume XXVII letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalisation for Aliens in England and Ireland 1701-1800.
Volume XXXV is a supplement to vols XVIII and XXVII by Dr. W.A. Shaw.
These five volumes are indispensable to any researcher who knows or suspects that his ancestors came into England in the period 1509-1800, not only from France but from the Low Countries and elsewhere. They are very well indexed. Care must be taken to trace all spelling permutations of the modern name. For Delaforce this meant over 20 permutations!
(3) Other sources
"Lists of foreign Protestants and Aliens resident in England 1618-1688" by W.D. Cooper.
"Register of Dutch Church Austin Friars 1568-1872" by J.H. Hessels (Camden Society).
"House of Lords Record Office for naturalisations 1801-1947.
"A list of Strangers 1567/8" by A.W.C. Hallen, Genealogical Magazine 1898.
Visitation of London 1568 by S.W. Rawlins (Harleian Society). Agnews 'French Protestant Exiles' 2 vols.
Jules Berthaut "Les Emigre's Francaises a Londres". J.S. Burns 'History of French Protestant Reform'.
N.H. Grahams "Nonconformist and Foreign Registers in Inner London".
Lart Huguenot Church in Caen, 16th Century'.
(4) All Huguenot and Walloon church parish registers have been documented and well indexed b the Huguenot Society: vols I, IV, V, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XVI, XVII, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXVII, XXXIX, XLII, XLV. The registers cover the main London churches such as Threadneedle Street, but also Canterbury, Norwich etc. Anyone with a French name or names in the family should join the Huguenot Society of London.
Part 7 Guilds and Livery Companies
This source has proved to be invaluable to the history of the Delaforces particularly the silk weaver guild records. Ironically enough although there were a number of Tailors and Goldsmiths, neither the Merchant Tailors nor the Goldsmiths have any records of Delaforces.
Guilds of traders and craftsmen originated in the early Middle Ages to regulate admission to the trades and crafts by maintaining standards of workmanship and trading. The Statute of Appren?tices of 1563 forbade anyone to enter a trade who had not served an apprenticeship. The Guilds centred on London but their power and authority was widespread. For instance the Guildhall in London has local indexes for apprentices from Surrey, Sussex, Warwickshire and Wiltshire. Apprentices usually entered their craft at the age of 14 probably sponsored and initially paid for by their father and served a term usually of 7 years before being made Free. Apprentices and Freemans records are therefore invaluable to genealogists as the age of both can usually be calculated with some precision.
From 1710-1804 a stamp duty was paid on apprenticeships and the records of stamp duty paid in the PRO is a valuable source of information. By 1900 there were 77 livery companies plus two
which did not receive their livery. Parish Clerks and Waterman/Lightermen.
The main London Livery Guilds are or were as follows:-
Apothecaries |
Grocers |
Armourers/Brasiers |
Homers |
Bakers |
Ironmongers |
Barber-Surgeons |
Joiners & Sawyers |
Basketmakers |
Leather Sellers |
Blacksmiths |
Masons |
Bladesmiths |
Mercers |
Bowyers |
Merchant Taylors |
Brewers |
Musicians |
Butchers |
Master Mariners |
Carmen (Conveyors of goods) |
Needlemakers |
Carpenters/Cabinet Makers |
Painter Stainers |
Clockmakers |
Parish Clerks |
Cloth Workers (Fullers, Shearers) |
Pattern Makers |
Coachmakers |
Paviors (of paving stone) |
Cooks |
Pewterers |
Coopers |
Plaisterers |
Cordwainers |
Pouchmakers |
Cutlers |
Poulterers |
Drapers |
Saddlers |
Dyers |
Salters |
Fanmakers |
Scriveners |
Farriers |
Shipwrights |
Feltmakers |
Skinners |
Fishmongers |
Soapmakers |
Founders |
Spectaclemakers |
Fruiterers |
Sheathers |
Glass-Sellers |
Stationers |
Glaziers |
Tallow Chandlers |
Glovers |
Tinplate Workers |
Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers |
Turners |
Goldsmiths |
Tylers & Bricklayers |
Vintners |
Wood Mongers |
Weavers/Silkthrowsters |
The main sources are (a) to enquire of the Guildhall library both Printed Books and Manuscripts, reference L.37. (b) to read London & Middlesex Published Records' pp 21-28 by J.M. Sims which lists specific documents for every Guild and (c) to visit the PRO at Kew Gardens and consult the Apprenticeship Books (IR1) for records 1710-1811, (1R17) for 1710-1762: also at Kew or Chancery Lane, PRO Lists and Indexes LIII and WO 2512962 for apprentices and the Army; ADMI, 12, 73/421, 106, 448 and CSClO for Admiralty apprentices. BT 150/1/2 for Seamen Apprentices. Also BT19 for Board of Trade Indexes. (d)) to visit the City of London Records Office in the main Guildhall building, which house the Lord Mayor's Court records. CLRO also has a card index of Freemen 1498-1670 in the Repertoires of the Court of Aldermen. CLRO houses lists of members of the Brokers and Stockbrokers since they started. (e) to visit also in the main Guildhall building, the excellent City of London Freedom Registers which are beautifully bound and presented indexes to the original records which show the apprentices' father's name, occupation and address. See also Freedom Minute or Declaration books: Apprenticeship enrolments/indentures: Freedom enrolment books: the Ward Mote Inquest returns and the Complaints books.
Some Guild records are still held directly by the Guild concerned the Clothworkers, Drapers, Fanmakers, Goldsmiths, Leathersellers, Merchant Taylors (but microfilm at Guildhall Library), Mercers, Salters, Skinners and Stationers.
Recommended reading
(a) For the earliest period 1275-1497 the London Letter Books A-L are excellent not only as a source of names but other social, trading activities. Edited by R.R. Sharpe they can be read at the B.M. Library, Guildhall or on open shelves at PRO County Hall/Clerkenwell.
(b) PRO leaflet No.26.
(c) English provincial, Scottish and Irish Guilds Guildhall Library (GSC 338.6).
(d) "A Guide to the records of CLRO and Guildhall Library Muniment Room" P.E. Jones and R. Smith.
"Gilds: their origin, constitution, objects and later history" by C. Walford.
"City of London Freedom Registers" by M.T. Medlycott. "The Apprentices of Great Britain" by Society of Genealogists. 'Register of Freemen of the City of London in reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI" by C. Welch.
"The London Goldsmiths 1200-1800" by Sir Ambrose Heal. "English Guilds of medieval England" by H.F. Westlake. "English Gilds" by J. Toulmin Smith (Early English Text Society). "List of Liverymen & Freemen of the City companies 1538" by E. Salisbury.
"Discovering London's Guilds and Liveries" pamphlet by Family History Association.
Part 8 The Society of Genealogists
37 Harrington Gardens, London SW7 4JX (Tel. 020 7373 7054).
The major library and facilities for genealogy in Great Britain. Open to non-members on a fee basis: approx 7,000 members.
(a) Publications List, their own series of very useful leaflets, indispensable to all 'beginners' in genealogy, particularly Nos. 2,3,4 and 9.
(b) P. Boyds Marriage Index, 532 volumes, 1538-1837 (3000 parishes, 7 million names) unique collection. See "A list of Parishes in Boyds Marriage Index". P. Boyds "Inhabitants of London" mainly l6th and 17th century.
(c) The Great Card Index, 800 boxes contain several million slips sorted under surnames.
(d) Bernau's Index, compiled by C.A. Bernau now on microfilm of 4.5 million slips of unindexed material in the PRO, mainly Chancery and Exchequer depositions and pleadings. A unique source of family history.
(e) Document collection, for about 11,000 different names.
(f) Parish Register copies. The society houses the largest collection in UK.
Computer File Index, a microfiche collection purchased from the Genealogical Society of Utah (Mormons), 1981 edition for the whole of UK. Booking essential for time on 'readers'.
(h) Wills. Many indexes kept inc. British Record Society's Index library series.
(i) Trades and Apprentices. Two major indexes 1710-1762, 1762-1774 of apprentice name, his father's name and the name and trade of the master.
(1) Poll Books and Trade Directories. Excellent collection of both.
(k) Local regional collections of unique manuscripts and family histories.
Read "Using the library of the Society of Genealogists".

Part 9 The British Museum Library
The Reading and Map rooms are at the British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG (Tel. 01-363 1544). A reader's ticket is required. The British Museum Library Catalogue can be consulted at major libraries (the Guildhall etc.). Although an author catalogue it does include many subjects. Supplements are printed regularly and inserted at the end of each author reference index. Supplements are printed regularly to the main index. This is arguably the first library in the world. Amongst many other claims to fame it probably has the finest collection of specialised French and Spanish reference/history books not only outside the countries concerned, but as good or better than the equivalent library in Paris or Madrid. Authors to be consulted are T.C. Skeat, J.P. Gibson, A.J. Willis and A.J.K. Esdaile.
The Department of Printed Books produce a series of free useful Reader Guides (No.6 English Places; No.8 Family and Personal Names; No.10 British Family History, etc.) to material available in the library.
Part 10 The Guildhall Library (01-606 3030)
See "A Guide to Genealogical Sources in Guildhall Library" Corporation of London. The library, situated in the heart of the City of London, has a unique collection of books and manuscripts relating to London and Middlesex. Its collection of wills (Commissary Court of London from 1374, Archdeaconry Court of London, Royal Peculiar of St. Katherine by the Tower), Parish Registers (a national Computer File Index (Mormon Church)), with London and Middlesex on the ground floor and the rest of the UK in the basement. Handlists I, II and III available to original registers in the City, Greater London), 106 original parish registers are deposited with the library.
Maps of all ages of the City and environs are available. The original records of most of the livery companies and Guilds are stored at the Guildhall in the MSS dept.
On the open shelves are to be found the British Museum library catalogues; the Calendars of State Papers, Patent Rolls, Treasury Books; the complete collection of Huguenot Society; the Harleian Society publications etc.
It is a marvellous collection of historial and genealogical data.
Part 11 The Huguenot Society
This small dedicated society has about 750 members or fellows. Their library (for members only) is housed at University College, Gower Street, London WC1, but the postal address is 54 Knatchbull Road, London SE5. Many of their books are noted elsewhere, under Aliens Immigrants, French Sources, Ireland etc. and available at major libraries. Any reader with a French name or suspected Huguenot background should apply for membership.
Other Family History Sources
Achievements Ltd., major genealogical publishers/researchers: Northgate, Canterbury, Kent.
Act Books of Bishops and Archdeacons Courts - consult local County Record Office.
Administrations, Letters of Wills; consult Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House.
Admiralty Records, see under Navy, also ADM records at PRO Kew.
Advocates, consult Law List from 1787, Guildhall; BML; Soc. of Genealogists.
Aldermen, London, consult the Guildhall; regionally local CR0.
Allegations, see Marriage Licences.
Aliens, see part 6 of this chapter.
Almanach de Gotha: European nobility records at major libraries.
Air Force Lists at Soc. of Genealogists; PRO Kew (Air Force records)
America, see USA chapter 21 for source.
Ancient Monuments Soc: Mr M. Saunders, St. Andrews by the Wardrobe, Queen Victoria Street, London EC4.
Ancient Deeds, Exchequer, catalogue of. Treasury of Receipt. 7 volumes published by PRO. (BML 2182 open shelves). Thousands of land transactions between 1200-1500. A mine of genealogical information. Well indexed. A rare and unusual source.
Apothecaries Act of 1815; register of licenciates at Guildhall library.
Apprentices, see Guilds, part 7 of this chapter.
Archdeaconry Court of London, index of wills at Guildhall library.
Archives, see County Record Offices.
Architects, consult Society of Genealogist records.
Arms, see Heraldry.
Army, consult leaflet No.9 by PRO: excellent reading, also specialist books by G. Hamilton-Edwards: Smith and Gardner; R. Higham; C. Dalton (various), J. Kane, T.W. Connoly; M.E. Laws; Harts Army List from 1840; C.T. Watts, A.S. White, "Army Lists" at Soc. of Genealogists, major libraries, Guildhall ref. 923.5. War Office records (WO) are at PRO Kew. "London Gazette" at Guildhall, major libraries. Militia, Trained Bands -consult H.A.C. records Finsbury Square, London: Guildhall library. Muster Rolls see WO 10/11/12/13/16 and 25 at PRO Kew. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London SW3.
Army Ancestry of World Wars by Norman Holding, from Federation of Family History Societies.
Army, British, Operational Records 1660-1914, see PRO Kew leaflet No.58.
Army: Roll of the Great War - very rare - Imperial War Museum, London, have 5 out of 14 volumes. The British Museum Library has a complete set.
Army War Graves, Ministry of Defence, Ps12 (CAS) Lansdowne Ho. Berkeley Sq. London W1.
Assoc. of Genealogists & Record Agents, consult secretary, Mrs M.C. Gandy, "Oakdene", 64 Oakleigh Park North, London N20 for AGRA membership lists.
Assession Rolls, recorded in local Manor Court rolls and Court Leet Rolls; consult local County Record Office: assessments of rural rentals from 1500.
Australia, see chapter 20 for sources.
Archeological Societies, consult works in your local library/local studies library, and CRO's.
BACSA: British Association for Cemeteries in S. Asia: Theon Wilkinson, 76 Chartfield Avenue, Putney, London SW15.
Banns, marriage bonds. Since 1753 Banns books/registers must be kept either as separate registers, or combined with marriage registers. Consult the Harleian Society, the Greater London Record Office, Guildhall library and W.P.H. Phillimore have all published books on Banns and marriage bonds/licences - see British Record Society vols 62 and 66.
Baptisms, see Parish Registers, part 1 of this chapter.
Barber-Surgeons, Guild: the Guildhall library has records see Surgeons.
Bankruptcy, Court of, PRO Chancery Lane has records (B).
Baronetages, see Peerages.
Barristers, consult Law Lists: "Calendar of Inner Temple Records" Inderwick/Roberts at Guildhall library and Society of Genealogists.
Battle Abbey, roll of, see version by Hollingshed.
Bernau Index, Chancery Proceedings Index: invaluable: at Society of Genealogists Part 8 of this chapter.
Bishops Transcripts/Diocesan Transcripts, "Guide to" by J.S.W. Gibson: Guildhall M59531.
Birth Certificates, from PRO St. Catherine's House, Aldwych: consult indexes there.
Biographical Records: Dict. of Nat. Biography, Oxford Univ. Press: consult B.M. library, also books by D. Steel, J.A. Venn, J. Foster, W. Matthews, see indexes of The Times: The Gentleman's Magazine 1731-1868.
Black Death devastated population in 1348/9.
British Transport Historical Records at PRO Kew (Rail).
Boyds Marriage Index, invaluable: complete collection at Society of Genealogists. Certain local libraries have copies of parts of the Index; i.e. the Guildhall library: check with local CR0 or Family History Society.
Boyds Burial Index 1538-1853 for London and Middlesex at Society of Genealogists.
Boyds London Citizens, 238 volumes at Society of Genealogists; Guildhall library (London).
Boyds, "a list of parishes in Boyds Marriage Index" by R.W. Massey.
Brazil: Mormon CFI library at c/o Wayne Metcalfe, Genealogical Service Centre, 3rd Floor Tower, Church Office Building, Sao Paulo.
British Library, see part 9 of this chapter: consult catalogue available major libraries.
British Nationals Abroad, see Overseas.
"British Family Histories", "held in Scottish Public Libraries" by J.P.S. Ferguson, also by T.R. Thomson, at major libraries.
British Record Society, Hon. Sec. P.L. Dickinson MA c/o College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, London EC4.
"British Surnames," "a dictionary of" by P.H. Reaney, at
major libraries. Very important book giving original derivations, 10,000 names.
British Telecom Library, Baynard House, 135 Queen Victoria Street. London EC4V 4AT. Tel. 01-248 7444. Directories from 1880.
Brokers/Stockbrokers, records kept at CLRO in the Guildhall and Guildhall Library.
Burial Grounds/Public Cemeteries, started in London with Bunhill Fields, see Guildhall Library Interment Order Books 1789-1854: read "Return of burial grounds in the County of London" by I.M. Holmes: also books by P.C Rushen, A.J. Jewers. Consult local library, local record office, Soc. of Genealogists for records of 'monumental inscriptions' from tombstones. Certainly the local Family History Society should have all available records copied.
Burial Registers, consult PRO St. Catherine's House, Aldwych, London for post 1840 see Parish Registers part 1 of this chapter.
Burkes, "Landed Gentry", "Peerage", "General Armory", "Family Index", "Extinct Peerage", major publishers of 'noble' genealogical works.
British Museum Library. It is certain that every book mentioned in Sources is available at BML; see part 9 of this chapter.
Calender of Patent Rolls, State Papers, Colonial, Treasury Books and Papers, Venetian Papers: the Nation's historical background; well indexed indispensable to the family historian interested in the period 1513-1745, chapters 4-19 are largely derived from these historical records, on the open shelves at BM library, Guildhall and major libraries.
Camden Society/Series. Interesting collection of historical articles: major libraries.
Canada, see chapter 22 for sources.
Canterbury, Prerogative Court of: see Wills part 4 of this chapter.
Catholic, "Sources for genealogy and family history" by D. Steel and E.R. Samuel. Church registers c/o the Archivist, Archbishops House, Westminster, London SW1; Record Society, c/o Miss R. Rendell, Flat 5, 24 Lennox Gardens, London SW1;
Record Society Library at 114 Mount Street, London W1;
Registers at PRO, Chancery Lane, London; also Soc. of Genealogists; "London and Middlesex Published records" by J.W. Sims, p.5. Marriages, "Index of" by Fr, Godfrey Anstruther, Church Shop, 222 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Capewell, Janice, Index of non-conformist registers mainly
London; 7 Mytton Grove, Copthorne, Shrewsbury (with S.A.E.). Card, Great Index, see at Soc, of Genealogists magnificent
Lucky Dip. Cemeteries, see Burial Grounds, Census, see part 3 of this chapter, Central Bureau Voor Genealogie, Mr C.W. Delforterie, P0 Box 11755, 2502 The Hague, Netherlands. Chamberlains Court, see part 7 of this chapter. Chancery Proceedings, see PRO leaflet No.32 at PRO Chancery Lane, see Bernan Index: originals at PRO Chancery Lane, London "Abstracts of documents" by P. Norman (London Topological Society). Books by J. Unett; R.E.F. Garrett; M.H. Hughes; P.W. Coldham.
Channel Islands: Registrar General, States Office, Royal Sq. Jersey. Societe Jersiase, The Library, The Museum, 9 Pier Road, Jersey. Registrar General, Greffe, St. Peters Port, Guernsey.
Challen W.H. Transcripts of many S.E. England registers at the Guildhall Library or Soc. of Genealogists.
Change of Name: see PRO Leaflet No.5: all relevant information. "Index to Changes of Name" by W.P.W. Phillimore and E.A. Fry.
Christian Names "Oxford dictionary of English Christian names" O.U.P.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, see part S of this chapter.
Churchwardens accounts/Vestry minutes: most Parish Churches keep these records: consult local CR0..
Civil Registration, see parts 1 and 2 of this chapter.
Clergy, Crockfords clerical directory from 1858, Soc. of Genealogists and major libraries: Ordination Registers 1550-1628;
1657-1809 at the Guildhall Library: Fawcett Index at Soc. of Genealogists: Ordination Papers at the Guildhall Library and
Lambeth Palace Library; read Fosters "Index Ecclesiasticus 1800-1840" and "Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanne" at Soc. of Genealogists.
Other books by G. Hennessey, R. Newcourt at the Guildhall. Clockmakers, see excellent records at Guildhall Library. College of Arms, read Harlejan Society publications "Heralds Visitations," "Records and collections of.." Sir A.R. Wagner: the College is at Queen Victoria Street, London EC4.
Colonial Office records at PRO Kew (CO).
Colonial Records Index by N. Currer-Briggs, 7 High St., Saffron Walden, Essex.
Commissary Court of London, Wills at Guildhall Library. Commonwealth War Graves Commission, 2 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SIX 7DX.
Convicts & Transportation, "English convicts in colonial America" P.W. Coldham. "The crimes of the first fleet convicts to Australia" John Cobley. See PRO leaflet No.7 "Emigrants"; HO 10,11,26,27 at Chancery Lane.
Court of Common Pleas, "Calender to the feet of Fines for London and Middlesex" by W.J. Hardy, W. Page.
Court of Common Pleas, PRO Chancery Lane, London (CP). Court of Husting (Wills), at CLRO; also see "Calender" by R.R. Sharpe, Guildhall.
Court of Orphans, records at CLRO, and at Guildhall Library. County Directories, Society of Genealogists has excellent collection.
County Record Offices "Record Repositories in GB" HMSO Federation of Family History Societies has list. Consult local telephone directory, local Family History Society. Book by F.G. Emmision/I. Gray.
County Courts, records at PRO Chancery Lane ref (AK).
"Coroners Rolls", City of London 1300-1378 by R.R. Sharpe.
County Histories, read "Victoria C.H.", useful for landed families: see Walford's "County Families".
Crown Estate Commissioners, records at PRO Chancery Lane (CRES).
Crests "Book of" by Fairbairn.
Corporation of London Records Office (CLRO) in Guildhall, keeps "Marriage Assessments" "Court of Hustings" "Court of Orphans" "Freeman Index" etc.
Crime & Punishment "Guide to Middlesex Sessions Records" by G.L.R.O. Prison Commission, records at PRO Ke\" (PCOM) Home Office. records at PRO Kew (HO). "Calender to the feet of Fines for London & Middlesex" W.J. Hardy & W. Page.
Death Certificates, from PRO Alexandra House, Aldwych, London.
Death Duty Registers at PRO Chancery Lane, Wills room, leaflet No.34.
Deaths Overseas, Records held at CR0 St. Catherine's House inc. Overseas Consular returns from 1849.' 'Service records' -Army from 1881, RAF from 1920, etc. 'Births & Deaths at sea from 1837.'
Deeds, property, see PRO leaflet No.25, no central source: try local history libraries: CROs: local Family History Societies (Southwark LS has 10,000 deeds; Tower Hamlets, London have 7,000 deeds indexed). See 'Ancient Deeds'.
Denization, letters of, see Aliens part 6 of this chapter: see "Naturalisation".
Dentists, Register of 1888-1922 at Soc. of Genealogists.
Debrett, publishers of books on the nobility.
Diocesan transcripts, see Bishops Transcripts: also transcripts by W.H. Challen and C.R. Webb.
"Dictionary of National Biography" by O.U.P. Directories, Baileys Northern (1721), Kents (1734), Barfoots (1790), Boyles Street (1792), Holdens (1796), Post Office (1799), Pigots Commercial (1814), Johnstones London (1817), Whites (1826), Kellys (1800). Read "Guide to the national and provincial directories of England & Wales", J.E. Norton. "Universal British Directory" Barfoot & Wilkes. "City of London Directory 1871-1915". 'Fashionable Court Guide" by Boyle 1792. Soc. of Genealogists Collection of Directories & Poll Books, J.M. Sims, "The London Directories" by C.W.F. Goss. Directories are an excellent source of information, at major libraries, Soc. of Genealogists, local CRO's.
District Probate Offices & Registries - copies of wills kept at Somerset House.
Divorces, Register at Somerset House in Probate and Divorce dept: staff will search for a fee.
Doctors, Medical Directory from 1845 at Soc. of Genealogists,
Guildhall. Register from 1859 at Soc. of Genealogists, Guildhall.
Roll of the Royal College of Physicians 1815-1925, by Munk.
Medical Practitioners in London 1529-1725 by J.H. Bloom, R.R.
James, Ministry of Health (MH), Dep. Health & Social Security (BN) records PRO Kew.
Domesday Book, see at BM Library (readers ticket), "Domesday Book" by John Morris, published by Phillimore.
East India Company, "Register" at Soc. of Genealogists. Percy Smith Collection at Soc. of Genealogists. Hudson Index of Offices at National Army Museum, London.
Educational Records see Schools.
Eire, see Ireland.
Electoral Registers at local CROs from 1834, see Poll Books. British Museum library from 1832; Guildhall for London records.
Emigrants, see PRO leaflet No.7 - excellent summary: Books by A.H. Lancour; P.W. Coldham, C. Donaldson; D. Whyte; D. Hill; W.A. Carrothers; T. Coleman; J.C. Hotten; P.S. King.
Check List by Francis Leeson. Vol XXIV of Huguenot Soc. pub:
Passenger lists from English ports can be seen PRO Kew:
"Foreign parish registers" are held by PRO Chancery lane:
Guildhall has other records on Anglicans abroad, BM library also has collection.
Faculty Office of Archbishop of Canterbury see Banns of Marriage: also Harleian Soc. pub 25/26. See Guildhall manuscripts ref L77:32: Brit. Rec. Soc. vols 62 & 66. See Soc. of Genealogists "Calenders of Licences up to 1837" on microfilm.
Family History News & Digest pub. by Federation of Family History Societies. Quarterly publication with excellent summaries of regional events and discoveries.
"Family History" magazine, pub. by Achievements Ltd, Northgate, Canterbury, Kent.
Family Trees. A genealogical study usually ends up with the composition tree(s) or ancestry charts. Don Steel "Discovering Family History pp 109/110; Soc. of Genealogists pamphlet No.3; give excellent advice. In this book of Family History, the many family trees have been placed discreetly at the back. Every family should have such a family tree, duplicated or copied, particularly for the younger members of the family.
Families, 'County f. of UK' by Walford. 'landed', see Victoria county histories, BML Guildhall, Soc. of Genealogists etc. "Catalogue of British Family Histories" by T.R. Thomson. "Names in Britain" by H.B. Guppy. Document collection at Soc. of Genealogists.
Far East, 'A brief guide to biographical sources' by Ian Baxter, India Office Library & Records, London.
Fleet Registers, registers of clandestine marriages near Fleet Prison from 1667: records at PRO.
Federation of Family History Societies, Sec. Mrs A. Chiswell, 96 Beaumont Street, Millhouse, Plymouth, Devon. HQ of 100 regional FH Societies.
Feet of Fines, see Crime & Punishment.
Foreign Registers at PRO Chancery Lane and Guildhall.
Foreigners, see Aliens part 6 of this chapter.
Foreign Telephone Book, useful source of possible contacts:
GPO, major libraries.
Freedom Registers. "City of London" by M.T. Medlycott; originals at the Chamberlain's Court, Guildhall, London EC2.
Friends, Society of, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 (Quaker Records) see "Nonconformist and foreign registers" by Norman Graham.
Galbraith, V.H. "Tower (of London) as Exchequer Records", useful medieval source.
Gazeteers, genealogical have been published by Gardner/Harland/ Smith. Inst. Heraldic Studies in Canterbury; Harley/Phillips;
Rodger and S. Lewis see at most major libraries and Soc. of Genealogists.
Genealogy, The Society of Genealogists in London publish a series of interesting pamphlets, beginners guides, courses etc. Joining a local Family History Society is equally rewarding.
Genealogical Periodicals, by local archeological societies (Sussex is an excellent example): the Surtees Society is another:
the 'Genealogists Magazine' by the Soc. of Genealogists: "Family History" from Achievements of Canterbury: "Notes and
Queries", the "Gentlemans Magazine". Many Family History Society quarterly magazines can be found at the Society of Genealogists.
Genealogical Books, "American & British Gen. & Heraldry" by P.W. Filby. "Genealogical research in England & Wales", D. Gardner/F. Smith. "Guide to printed books & mss. relating to English & foreign heraldry and genealogy". C. Gatfield. "A guide to genealogical sources in Guildhall Library" Corporation of London. "A select bibliography of English genealogy" H.C Harrison. "A genealogists bibliography" C. Humphrey-Smith. "An introduction to medieval genealogy" C. Humphery-Smith (very interesting).
General Register Offices at St. Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2 (01-242 0262) (Reg. Births/Marriages). Alexander House, Kingsway, (Register of Deaths).
Greater London Record Office, 40 Northampton Road, Clerkenwell, London EC1 (also CLC library).
Gentlemans Magazine 1731-1868 excellent source of information: at Guildhall, Soc. of Genealogists, major libraries: Indexes 1753-1821. "Index to Biographical & Obituary Notices 1731-80" by R.H. Farrat. "Index to Marriages 1731-1786" by E.A. Fry. Vol I/Il Index by S. Aysclough: Vol III/IV Index by J. Nickols Vol V Index by Charles St. Barbe: The magazine was started by Edward Cave in 1731 and lasted until 1908.
Germany W, "How to find German ancestors & relatives" Family History Association, Mormon genealogical libraries in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kaiserlautern.
Gibson, J.S.W. Author of vital modern genealogical guides "Census Returns", "Probate Jurisdictions", "Bishops Transcripts and Marriage Licences", "Marriage Indexes", "Record Offices". Address Harts Cottage, Church Hanborough, Oxford 0X7 2AB.
Graham, N.H. Author of vital modern genealogical guides "Cons. guide to Parish Registers (a) Inner London (b) Outer London (c) Nonconformist & Foreign Registers". Address N.H. Graham, 69 Crest View Drive, Petts Wood, Kent BR5 1BX.
Grays Inn/Lincolns Inn/Middle Temple - legal records at Guildhall: read "A calender of the Inner Temple records 1505-1800" F.A. Inderwick & R.A. Roberts.
Guildhall Library, major library and genealogical source. Very knowledgeable, helpful and patient staff, Aldermanbury, London
EC2 (020 7606 3030).
Harleian Society, major publisher of genealogical books. Their Register section of Parish Registers: Marriage licences: and above all Heralds Visitations: Bedfordshire 19; Berkshire 56-7; Buckinghamshire 58; Cambridgeshire 41; Cheshire 18,59,93; Cornwall 9; Cumberland 7; Devon 6; Dorset 20; Essex 13-14; Gloucestershire 21; Hampshire 64; Herts 22; Kent 42,54,74-75; Leicestershire 2; Lincolnshire 50-52,55; London & Middlesex 1,15,17,65,92,109-110; Norfolk 32,85-86,91; Northants 87; Nottinghamshire 4; Oxford 5; Rutland 3,73; Shropshire 28-29; Somerset 11; Staffordshire 63; Suffolk 61,91; Surrey 43,60; Sussex 53,89; Warwickshire 12,62; Wiltshire 105-106; Worcester 27,90; Yorkshire 16, 94-96. The pedigrees in all these works are indexed in 3 volumes by Marshall, Whitmore and Barrow: see also
"Visitation Pedigrees & the Genealogist" G.D. Squibb. Harleian Soc. volumes at Guildhall, BM library, major libraries and Soc. of Genealogists.
Hearth Tax Return, for 1662/4 returns at PRO. All householders were taxed by the number of hearths they had - see Tax returns.
Herald's College, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, London EC4. "Records and collections of the college of Arms" by Sir A.R. Wagner.
Heralds visitations, by Officers of College of Arms 1530-1687. Pedigrees of people who had a right to Arms. See College of Arms: see Harleian Soc. publications.
Heraldry, see collection at Soc. of Genealogists. See Harleian Society Vol 66-68. See Guildhall Library ref. 929 7206. MS 14288 and L77.1. Consult College of Arms above. Read "Discovering Heraldry" Fed. of F.H. Societies: Heraldry Society c/o Mrs J.C.C. George, 28 Museum Street, London WC1.
History, social. All major libraries have collections of works. All good local libraries should also have local historical studies; "Writing local history" pub. by Bedford Square Press: consult books by Authors - G.M. Trevelyan, W.G. Hoskins "Local History in England". Publishers Penguin, Batsford and Longmans have produced many social histories. See Phillimore List of Local History Books. Consult too the nearest County Records Office and Family History Society.
History, Military, society. Duke of Yorks Road, Chelsea, London SW3 (postal only).
Historical Association, produces pamphlets about genealogical sources, 59A Kennington Park Rd., London SE11.
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Quality House, Chancery Lane, London WC2.
"Historical Review", English: also "History To-Day" specialist magazines.
Historical Society, Royal, at University College, Cower Street, London WC1.
Historical Research, "Bulletin of Institute", Senate House, University of London, WC1 (01-219 3000).
Historical Research, Institute of, Senate House, Russell Square, London WC1. 01-636 0272. Open access library of printed historical data.
House of Lords, Record Office, Westminster, London SW1A:
Protestation returns etc. cases in House of Lords; see Naylor collection at Guildhall.
Hudsons Bay Company; PRO Records at Kew on microfilm (BH). Huguenots Soc. of London c/o Mrs I. Scouloudi, 67 Victoria Road, London W8 see part 11 of this chapter.
Humphery-Smith, C. author of specialist genealogical books.
Immigrants, see Aliens part 6 of this chapter.
Index Society/library British Record, published series of local wills etc. see collection at Soc. of Genealogists, BM library and major libraries.
India, Records at office and Library, 197 Blackfriars road, London SEl enquire for expatriate births, deaths and marriages. "Guide to the India Office Records 1600-1858" by Sir William Foster. "India office Records" by Major V.C.P. Hodson. Society of Genealogists has card index by Col. Percy-Smith. Hodson Index of Hon. East India Company officers at National Army Museum. Indian Army List at Soc. of Genealogists, also directories. Consult "Miscellaneous Records" at PRO, St. Catherine's House, Kingsway, London. Inns of Court, registers, at Guildhall library.
Insolvent Debtors Accounts Books - ask for at local Record office or Reference Library.
Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies, Northgate, Canterbury, Kent. Major publishers of "Family History", County maps, Pallot Index, Index to Irish Wills, Guide to Marriage Licences, Introduction to medieval genealogy, Census district maps, etc. Tel. 0227-68664.
Inland Revenue, PRO Kew have IR records of interest and PRO Chancery Lane for estate duty registers (IR 26/27).
'Ireland, General Registry Offices, Customs House, Dublin 1, records from 1845. Public Record Office, Four Courts, Dublin 1, census data parish records from 1901, "A Handbook of Irish Genealogy" by Heraldic Artists Ltd, Trinity, Dublin (ref. 929-1). "Family History Records in Ireland" by Robert Brown. "Irish ancestral research" by M.D. Falley. Huguenot Society publications VII, XIV, XIX, XVIII, XXVII, XLI for Huguenot Church records, pensioners and aliens. "Irish Protestant Rolls" by C.R. Webb. Irish Genealogical Society of G.B. Challoner Club, 59/61 Pont Street, London SW1. Irish wills, indexes at Soc. of Genealogists. County/Parish histories at Soc. of Genealogists. "Bibliography of Irish Family History & Genealogy" Brian de Breffny. Directories at Soc. of Genealogists. A simple guide to Irish genealogy by R. Ffolliott. See Soc. of Genealogists directories.
Istituto Storico Famiglie Italiane, Prof A.C. D'Ardea, 50129, Firenze, Via Cavour 31, Italy; consult for family history problems in Italy.
Jews. Anglo-Jewish Archives, Mocatta library, University College, Cower Street, London WC1. Jewish Historical Society of England, London. Offices of the Chief Rabbi, Adler House, Tavistock Square, London WC1 hold archives of United Synagogue. Jewish Museum, Woburn House, Upper Woburn House, London WC1. Read transactions of Jewish Historical Society of England. Consult N.H. Grahams "Nonconformist and Foreign registers 1537-1837". Consult Spanish & Portuguese Jews congregation: Archivist, 2 Ashworth Rd, London W9. Read "London & Middlesex published records" by J.W. Sims p.52. Read "Appearance of persons coming from foreign parts 1651" by S.W. Samuel. See list of Jewish brokers at Guildhall Library. Read "Sources for R.C. and Jewish genealogy and family history" D.J. Steel/E.R. Samuel.
Judges, see Society of Genealogists records, see PRO Chancery lane (Just and J).
Journals, "Genealogists Magazine" by Soc. of Genealogists. "Family History" by Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies. "The local historian" from Standing Conference for Local History. "Family History News & Digest" from Federation of Family History Societies. Every Family History Society produces a journal, usually quarterly.
Kellys Directories Ltd., Neville House, Eden Street, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.
Knights, see College of Arms: read "the Complete Peerage", Burkes "Peerage" etc.
Kraus-Thomson Organisation Ltd., Millwood, New York 10546 USA. Major publishers of printed archive material, Commissions Reports to the Crown: Huguenot Society; etc.
Land. Revenue Record Office, PRO Chancery Lane (LRRO):
Land Registry at PRO Kew (LAR): "Return of owners of land" (pub 1873), at PRO or BM official publications library.
Land Tax, see Taxes. Tenure, see Manorial Records/Rolls.
Land Confiscations, Crown & Royalist 1642-1660, see PRO Kew leaflet No.54.
Lambeth Palace, library and archives, Lambeth, London: important source of London history.
Lawyers/Barristers, consult "Law List" major libraries, Soc. of Genealogists. "Men at the Bar" by Foster. "Admissions to Grays Inn, Middle Temple, Inns of Court" at Soc. of Genealogists, Guildhall library, BML.
Latter-Day Saints, Mormons; see part 5 of this chapter.
Letters of Administration, see Wills part 4 of this chapter.
Leeson, F. author of "War Office Musters" in Soc. of Genealogists journal, and "Records at PRO Kew" Emigrant Check List. Surname Archive, 108 Sea Lane, Ferring, West Sussex. Libraries, British Museum Library: Guildhall: Bodleain Oxford: Cambridge University, Soc. of Genealogists: Lambeth Palace: GLRO History Library at County Hall: House of Lords: all Local Studies Libraries.
Livery Companies, see Guilds part 7 of this chapter.
Local Registrar, see Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages in local telephone book.
Local Histories, Phillimore have published the Darwen county histories: "Victorian history of the counties of England" - major libraries. Local History Societies, 26 Bedford Square, London WC1. Consult British Museum Library catalogue under appropriate place name. "Sources for English local history" by W.B. Stephens.
Local Studies Libraries. Vital source for family historians, for directories, ratebooks, property deeds, electoral registers, local census returns, oral history records, maps, prints and photographs, early schools, local government records, press cuttings, tradesmens hand bills, old local newspapers, local histories, early public health records. Every family historian should make a beeline for his nearest local studies libraries.
London Record Society c/o Leicester University Library, University road, Leicester who publish transcripts, indexes of wills, assizes, surveys etc.
"London Gazette" for naturalisations, change of name, awards etc., at major libraries.
London "Inhabitants of 1638" by T.C. Dale.
"London & Middlesex Published Records" by J.M. Sims (London Record Society).
"London & Middlesex Genealogical Directory" by combined London Family History societies.
London, "Calender of Letter Books A-L 1275-1497" by R.R. Sharpe.
"London, Chronicle" by John Stow (Harleian publication).
London, "Guide to Genealogical Research in Victorian" by C. Webb, Surrey Family History Society.
London, Directories at Guildhall, CLRO library, major libraries.
London, "Index of Wills before 1700" by M. Fitch pub. by British Record Society.
London, City of London Record Office located in the Guildhall building near library.
London, City of London Freedom Registers; Guild freedoms and original indentures at Chamberlain's Court in the Guildhall.
Magazines, see Journals.
Man, Isle of, General Registry, Finch Road, Douglas. Tel. 3358: Manx Museum library, Kingswood Road, Douglas.
Manor Court Rolls, see Taxes.
Manorial Records, books by J. West, W.G. Hoskins, N.J.
Hone. Early records are held in PROs. See excellent summary by D. Steel "Discovering Family History" inc Assession rolls, Manor Court Rolls, Court Leet Rolls for early medieval land records chapters 9, XX in particular. Consult Index at National Register of Archives, Quality Ct. Chancery Lane, London WC2. Consult County Record offices, BM Library, local Archeological Societies. Maps, County by Soc. of Genealogists: Phillimore: Inst. Heraldic & Gen. Studies.
Manuscript Pedigrees, at Soc. of Genealogists, British Museum Library, College of Arms.
Marines, Royal, see excellent PRO leaflet No.28.
Marriage, Assessments for 1694 kept at City of London Record Office, Guildhall Licences, see Harleian vols 25/26: GLRO; Soc. of Genealogists. Boyds marriage Index at Soc. of Genealogists; Guildhall Library. "Guide to Location" by J.S.W. Gibson. "Allegations for Marriage licences" by G.J. Armytage. "Licences" by C.R. Humphery-Smith in "Family History". "Indexes" by M. Walcot & J.S.W. Gibson. Certificates after 1837 at CR0, St. Catherine's House, Aldwych, London. CFI/IGI Mormon microfiche 1550-1837. Local family history societies for county marriage indexes.
Medicine, "Medical Directory" "Medical Register" at major libraries. Munks "Roll of College of Physicians". Royal College of Surgeons; Guildhall library has Mss. & Indexes
Merchant Navy, excellent PRO leaflet No.8: books by C.T. Watts & M. Mander. See Lloyds Merchant Captains registers at Soc. of Genealogists.
Medieval Sources, Books by C.R. Humphery-Smith; J. Unett; J. West; K.C. Newton. Consult BM library and Guildhall library.
Memorial Tablets, see Monumental Inscriptions.
Merchant Taylors, records with Guild in London: microfilm at Guildhall library.
Methodists, National Archives; Connexional Archivist, c/o Property Division, Central Buildings, Oldham St. Manchester Ml 1QJ.
Middlesex Sessions Records 1549-1889, GLRO publication.
Microfilms/Microfiche used for CFI, many Parish records and census data.
Midwives, licences by Bishops: Guildhall MS 10116.
Mexico, Mormon genealogical library in Mexico City and Chihuahua.
Military, see PRO leaflet No.9; and Army; Soc. for Army Historical Research, The Library, Old War Office Building, Whitehall, London SWi.
Migrants, see Emigrants.
Members of Parliament, see major libraries or Soc. of Genealogists. Dods or Vachers Parliamentary Companion.
Monumental Inscriptions, see Burial Grounds: Society of Genealogists has excellent collection of local records and notes by H.L. White. "Notes on recording" by J.L. Rayment. "Monumental Brasses in the British Isles" by M. Stephenson.
Mormon Church, see part 5 of this chapter: 64 Exhibition Road, London SW7. Library open Wednesday afternoon only.
Mottoes, "Hand-Book of Mottoes" by C.N.Elvin.
Mullins E.L.C., "A guide to the historical and archeological publications of societies in England and Wales 1901-1933". "Texts and calenders" pub. by Royal Historical Society. Vital books.
Museums, National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London 5W3. Imperial War, Lambeth Road, London SEl. National Maritime, Greenwich, London SE10.
National Register of Archives, Quality House, Chancery Lane, London (01-242 1198). Set up in 1945 to act as central collection point for information about Manuscript sources for British History outside the Public Records.
National Genealogical Directory, pub. from 4/33 Sussex Square, Brighton. An Index of 30,000 families being researched in UK.
Naturalisation, until 1844 a letter Patent of Denization had to be granted or an Act of naturalisation promoted. After 1844 the Home Secretary issued a system of certificates. Sources include the Huguenot Society publications; House of Lords Record Office; "Papers of the House of Commons", London Gazette from 1886; Patent and Parliament Rolls; Camden Society Vol 82; Home Office (HO) records at PRO Kew. See Aliens section 6 of this chapter.
Navy, see PRO leaflet 18 "the Admiralty"; original records at PRO Kew; National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10; publications Navy Records Society, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London SE10; Directories by Charnock; Marshall: O'Byrne at Soc. of Genealogists. Collection at Soc. of Genealogists of naval records. "Navy List" at Guildhall and major libraries including Soc. of Genealogists.
Naval Historical Library, Empress State Building, Lillie Rd. Fulham, London SW11.
Netherlands, consult Central Bureau voor Genealogie, Nassaulaan 18, Den Haag: Huguenot Society has Parish Register book for Netherlands: see Huguenot publications Vol I, IV, V, XII, XXXVI; for anyone with ancestors from Holland, these books are indispensable.
New Zealand, Society of Genealogists, P0 Box 8795, Auckland 3: Armorial & Genealogical Institute of New Zealand, P0 Box 13- 301, Armach, Christchurch, N.Z. Mormon Genealogical libraries in Takapuna, Manurewa, Mt Raskill in Auckland; in Christchurch, Hamilton & Wellington. Collection at Soc. of Genealogists of NZ data, directories.
Newspapers, consult Newspaper library, Colindale Avenue, London NW9 (020 8205 6039): Newspaper Room at Guildhall library: BM library. Consult local libraries, particularly Local Studies libraries: also local family history societies.
Nonconformist Sources, PRO Chancery Lane has many Parish Registers, consult Norman Graham's "Nonconformist & Foreign Registers". Also Society of Friends (see Quakers); Dr Williams library at 14 Gordon Square, London WC1: Catholics (see Roman
Catholics): Huguenot Society: Presbyterian Historical Soc. of England, 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1 has registers. Congregational library, Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., London EC4; Baptist Historical Society, Baptist Union Library, 4 Southampton Row, London WC1: Weslyan Archives at John Rylands Library, Manchester University: See 'Jews'. Consult Janice Capewell Index for East End Register Indexes, at 7 Mytton Grove, Copthorne, Shrewsbury SY3 8UF (with S.A.E.); consult local County Record Offices, local Family History Society, see Guildhall for many original nonconformist registers: PRO has Dr Williams General Registry, births 1742-1837. Read "Nonconformist Registers" by Edwin Welch in Journal of Society of Archivists.
Northern Ireland/Ulster: Gen. Reg. Office, Oxford House, 49-55 Chichester Street, Belfast BT1 4HC. Register General, Fermanagh House, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast BT2 8HX. Public Record Office, 66 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast BT9 6NY. Presbyterian Hist. Soc. of N.I., Church House, Fisherwick P1. Belfast BT1 6D0. Royal Irish Constabulary: PRO leaflet No.30. Mormon genealogical Library in Holywood, Belfast.
"Notes and queries", source of genealogical material at major libraries.
Obituaries, "from the Times" by F.C. Roberts. "prior to 1800" by Sir William Musgrave. See the "Gentlemans Magazine" at major libraries. BM library, Cuildhall have printed sources of obituaries. Consult local FHS for source of obituaries in newspapers.
Official Publications library, Dept. Printed Books, British Museum Library, Bloomsbury, London.
One Name Societies, consult F.M. Filby, 15 Cavendish Gdns, Ilford, Essex. (S.A.E.). Over 1000 family names have been fully researched.
Ordination Registers, diocesan records of London 1550-1628, 1675-1809 held at Cuildhall also Ordination papers 1676-1764, 1811-1976.
Overseers of the Poor, see Poor Law Records.
Oral evidence, some enterprising local studies libraries have taped 'local' histories. D. Steel has excellent chapter II in his book "Family History".
Overseas, Anglicans see separate registers at G.R.O. St Catherine's House, Aldwych: see Cuildhall library MS 15,061/1-2 mainly for English communities in France Portugal and Russia: also Diocesan registers MS 10,926/1/13: Marriages on board HM ships MS 11, 531, Baptisms and burials at sea MS 11,827. PRO records at Kew for Colonial & Foreign Service (CO, DO, FO and BT 158/160, Rg 43): PRO records in Long Room PRO Chancery Lane: Lambeth Palace library also has records.
Pallot Index (1780-1837) covers vital half century before General Registration started, of London, Middlesex marriages in 101 of 103 ancient parishes within the square mile of City of London: also most of Kent, Surrey and Essex. A fee is payable to Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, 82 Northgate, Canterbury, Kent.
Parish Histories: see local Family History Society; local County Record Office; "Victorian County" publications: local studies library. Maps: purchase from Soc. of Genealogists; Phillimore: Institute of Her. and Gen. Studies. Registers: see Section 1 of this chapter. Records: 'the Parish Chest' C.V. Press: information of church seating plans; churchwardens accounts: poor law records. The local Family History Society should have catalogues. Books:
"Original parish registers in record offices and libraries" by LPS, Tawney House, Matlock, Derbyshire. "Parish & vital records listings" LDS Church/Mormons. "Parish register copies" Soc. of Genealogists collection. "Registers in London" - 3 volumes by Norman Graham. "List of Parishes in Boyds marriage index" Soc. of Genealogists. "Parish Registers London & Middlesex" by Guildhall library. Harleian Society publications. "Middlesex Parish Registers" by W.P. Phillimore. "Contemporary index to printed parish registers" by G.F. Matthews.
Paleography, the study of old writing: works by D. Iredale: F.G. Emmison; H. Grieve; L.C. Hector; W.S.B. Buck and others.
Parliament "Guide to the records of Parliament" M. Bond, HMSO. "Pocket Companion" and "Parliamentary Companion".
Passenger Lists, see Emigrants.
Parochial Records measure, a recent law to enforce deposit of church records in County Record Offices for safer keeping and preservation.
Pawnbrokers, Societies in 18th century London: Bouverie Holborn: Queens head of Southwark: Halfmoon Inn of Borough: Eastern Society.
Patentees, Index of, kept at Science Reference library, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2. Index to old patents 1617-1852 in one volume, thereafter yearly indexes.
Pedigrees, "Index to printed British" by C.B. Barrow: other books by T.R. Thompson, J.B. Whitmore, C.W. Marshall, D. Steel. See College of Arms: see Heralds Visitations. See manuscripts at Soc. of Genealogists.
Peerages, "The Complete.." by G.E. Cokayne. Burkes "Peerage" and "Extinct Peerage". Debretts books all at major libraries, Soc. of Genealogists.
Pension Records at PRO Kew, Ministry of Pensions & National Insurance (PIN).
Periodicals, see Journals.
Phillimores, marriage indexes. Domesday county series. Publishers & suppliers of all genealogical books, maps etc. at Shopwyke Hall, Chichester, Sussex. P020 6BQ. Tel. 0243-787636.
Pipe Rolls, early government expenditure records, available at British Museum library, PRO, major libraries. Well indexed and useful source mainly for 11th and 12th century.
Plague, 1626 and 1665 were the two worst years in England, London in particular, later cholera epidemics occurred in 1831/2 and even worse in 1849, with consequent increase in deaths.
Poll Books/Register of Electors. Guildhall library. British Library, Bodleian and Soc. of Genealogists both hold good collections, they have produced their own handlist of what records they have. All County Record Offices and most Family History Societies will have information about local Poll books.
Poor Law Records. By an Act passed in 1598 each parish was responsible for its own poor members. A Poor Rate was levied on landowners and the parish 'vestry' members and overseers kept records and tables of payments to paupers. In 1834 the law was changed and responsibility was then transferred to Board of Guardians elected by the parish ratepayers.
Poor Law Union Papers, see PRO Kew, Ministry of Health records MH 12,15. London records are at the GLRO and the Guildhall.
Poor Accounts. The overseer of records, kept by local County Record Office and local studies libraries. Poor rate books recorded the collection of the Poor Rate (Samuel Delaforce contributed to Poor Rate, Blackfryars Road, Southwark, London in 1790).
Post Office HQ record office is at Room 5G28, PHQ Building, St. Martin-le-Grand, London EC1. Employment registers of staff employed are from 1737.
Post Office Directories. Indispensable for locating current relatives in UK or elsewhere. There are few depositories in UK of overseas telephone directories. A thoughtful, well-written letter to a possible relative giving information and politely requesting specific information can produce enormous dividends.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) had overriding jurisdiction in England and Wales for Wills and Letters of Administration. See part 4 of this chapter.
Probate, see Wills, part 4 of this chapter.
Principal Probate Office, Somerset House, The Strand, London W1.
Probate Jurisdiction, see part 4 of this chapter.
Protestant Returns of 1641/2: pub. by Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Originals held at House of Lords: effectively a national census for males over 18 required to sign a declaration of belief in the Protestant Religion, allegiance to the King and support for the rights and privileges of parliament. The Society of Genealogists, leaflet No.8 lists Printed Returns and Other Sources by county and more importantly, exactly where to find the local 'census'. This is a most important survey for readers researching ancestors of 1641/2. See books by L.W.L. Edwards; A.J.C. Guimaraens; S.A.J. MeVeigh.
Public Records Offices. The researcher should consult the 3 volume "Guide to the Contents of the Public Record Office" HMSO. Vol 1 is legal records, Vol 2 State papers and departmental records, Vol 3 Accessions 1960-66. Also "An introduction to the use of public records" by O.U.P. The three buildings are at Chancery Lane, WC2 (01-405 0741), Portugal Street, W1 (01-405 3488) census data only, and Kew Repository, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey (01-876 3444). A readers ticket is required.
Quakers, Society of Friends, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1: original register at PRO Chancery Lane. "Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy" by H.I.N. Saw.
Quarter Sessions Records, see book by J. West: visit County Record Office. Excellent national summary by J.S.W. Gibson.
Rate Books, Guildhall has a collection for London. "London rate assessments and inhabitants lists in Guildhall library and CLRO". GLRO also has collection. Every County Record Office, Local Studies Library should have Rate Book records.
Record Offices. Every County has a Record Office which should hold parish registers, wills, marriage licences, and bishops transcripts. It is worth visiting your local record office and finding out exactly what they do have. Every Family History Society should know where all local records are kept. Most County Record Offices publish a list of records held. See "Record Repositories in GB" HMSO pub. by Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts and "Enjoying archives" by D. Iredale. "How to find them" by J. Gibson and Pamela Peskett.
Record Societies, check with CR0 or FHS if there is one locally.
Record Agents, see A.C.R.A. list of accredited agents.
Record Society of London have published specialist books by H.M. Chew, D.V. Class, I. Darlington, F.W. Steer, D.J. Rowe, J.M. Sims. see London Record Society.
Registers, transcripts of by Harlaian Society: W.H. Challen: C.R. Webb. Major collection at Soc. of Genealogists.
Return of Owners of Lands, 1783 House of Commons papers.
Roman Catholics: Record Society, Society of Jesus, 114 Mount Street, London W1. Parish Registers, N.H. Graham "Nonconformist & Foreign Registers" in Inner London. Original registers at PRO Chancery Lane. Consult D.J. Steel Index of parish Registers Vol III. See collection at Soc. of Genealogists. Read "Catholic mass-houses and chapels in London Reformation" at Guildhall library.
Royalist Composition papers - 17th century records of Royalist supporters at BM library and other major libraries.
Schools, Guildhall has records of many London schools including Merchant Taylors, Christs Hopsital (L77,34: 373.42):
CLRO and Soc. of Genealogists have other school records. Local County Record Offices should have school records (log books, registers). Read "Alumns Cantabrigienses" by J.A. Venn; "A biographical register of the University of Cambridge to 1500" cover Cambridge University and "A biographical register of the University of Oxford to 1500" by A.B. Emden and subsequent volume "1501-1540" by the same author. "Alumns Oxonienses" by J. Foster covers Oxford University. "Family History in Schools" by D. Steel and L. Taylor. "Registers of the Universities, GENEALOGICAL SOURCES IN THE UK 53
Colleges and Schools of GB and Ireland" by P.M. Jacobs. Cuildhall material on other English universities ref 378.42.
Scotland. National Register of Archives, West Register House, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF. General Register Office for Scotland New Register House, Princes Street, Edinburgh EHi 3YT - ask for "Ancestry Leaflet". The Scottish Record Office, General Register House, Princes Street,. Edinburgh EHI 3YT. National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1. "The surnames of Scotland" by George Black. "Scottish Family Histories" by Margaret Stuart. "Introducing Scottish Genealogical Research" by D. Whyte. "In search of Scottish Ancestry" by C. Hamilton-Edwards. "Sources for Scottish genealogy and family history" D. Steel: Vol 12 Soc. of Genealogists. "Scottish History Society" volumes at Soc. of Genealogists. Scottish Genealogical Society c/o Miss J. Ferguson, 21 Howard Place, Edinburgh EH3 5JY. Scots Ancestry Research Society, 20 Yorks Place, Edinburgh EHi 3EP. Aberdeen and N.E. Scotland FHS, c/o Miss Cowper, 31 Bloomfield Place, Aberdeen. Soc. of Genealogists holds a microfilm of 1855 Scottish registers and indexes 1855-1920: also collections by Macleod and Campbell-Young.
Selon Index, by Mr P.R. Shilham 6 Beckford Close Wokingham Berkshire RG41 1HN for S.E. London: Parish Registers, Poor Rates, Census data, wills etc.
Service Records, see PRO Kew records (WO).
Settlement, law O{ 1662 resulted in 'examination passes' and 'removed orders' by which parishes were bound to maintain only those who had gained a legal settlement in the parish. See Poor Laws.
Sharpe, R.R., edited excellent "Calender letter books of London A-L, 1275-1497" and "Rolls of Court of Husting".
Shetlands, "Tracing Ancestors" by A. Sandison.
Ship Passenger Lists to USA (1528-1825) by Carl Boyer, P0 Box 333, Newhall, CA 91322, USA, available larger libraries.
Subsidy Rolls, London see books by E. Exwall, M. Curtis, J.C.L. Stahlschmidt, S.L. Thrupp.
Soc. of Genealogists, one of the largest sources of material in UK, see part 8 of this chapter.
Somerset House, Strand WC2. Principal Probate Registry for UK for examination of wills.
Steel, D. Major author of genealogical books, parish registers, nonconformists etc.
Surgeons, Guildhall library has records from 1745 of Royal College of Surgeons.
Standing Conference for Local History, 26 Bedford Square, London WC1.
Stockbrokers, register with CLRO in Guildhall, London.
Surnames, see Soc. of Genealogy leaflet No.7: books by P.H. Reaney, F.K. & S. Hitching. Reaney book gives many original derivations.
South Africa, Human Sciences Research Council: Dr. R. Leonard, Private Bag X41, Pretoria 0001, RSA. Mormon genealogical library in Jeppeston, Johannesburg. Directories at Soc. of Genealogists.
Switzerland, Mormon genealogical library in Zurich.
Tax Returns. Hearth tax for 1662 and 1664 returns at PRO (first national census). Poll taxes levied in 1641, 1660, 1666 and 1667 at PRO. Subsidy taxes of 1524-7 at PRO. Lay Subsidy from 1320: at PRO. Legacy duty/death duty registers see PRO leaflet No.34. Main Inland Revenue records at PRO Kew (IR). Window taxes of 1696-1798 at PRO. Marriage assessment tax of 1694/5 at PRO. London rate assessments, CLRO and Guildhall Library. See books by D. Iredale; J. West; W.R. Ward.
Telephone Directories. Major collections at Guildhall; British Telecom Museum; Bodleian library, Oxford.
Tenure, copyhold and conventionary, see D. Steel Family History Chapter 9.
Templars, "record of in 12th century" by B.A. Lees.
Times, the, "Obituaries from" by F.C. Roberts. Index at BM library, Newspaper library and Guildhall library.
Titled, see Kelly handbook to the titled, landed and official classes. See Peerage.
Tombstones, see Cemeteries, Monumental Inscriptions, books by J.L. Rayment; H.L.White.
Topographical Dictionaries by Lewis; Phillimore.
Tower of London, "as Exchequer Records" by Galbraith: "History & antiquities" by J. Bayley.
Trade Directories, see Catalogue of Directories at Soc. of Genealogists also major libraries, CROs and local studies libraries see Directories.
Transportation, books by A.H. Lancour; P.W. Coldham; J Cobley. See 'Convicts'; read 'Emigrants' by J.M. Sims.
Trials, Old Bailey sessions papers 1684-1913 at Guildhall library. See "Guide to Middlesex Sessions".
Trinity House, Petitions; merchant mariners requesting charity from 1780-1854 at Soc. of Genealogists.
Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild: Mrs K. Neill, 66 Balmoral
Avenue, Belfast BT9.
Undergraduates, see schools.
Universities, see schools.
"Unrelated Certificates" from Mr John Beach, 21 Larkswood Drive, Sedgley, W.Midlands, from Mrs B. Baker, 270 Clarence Rd. Sutton Coldfield, W.Midlands.
USA, see chapter 21 for sources.
Vestry minutes, parish church councils 'vestry' responsible for election of Overseers of the Poor who raised the Poor Rate on owners and occupiers of lands and buildings.
"Victoria County" Histories: invaluable source of local history at major libraries.
"Victorian London" "Guide to Research to" by C.R. Webb.
Victorian Ordnance Survey Maps by J.B. Harley, published by David & Charles, Newton Abbott.
"Village Records" by J. West (Macmillan).
Visitations, Heralds see Harleian Society publications by H.J. Howard & F.A. Crisp.
"Visitation Pedigrees & the Genealogist" by G.D. Squibb.
"Visitation", Crisps see at Soc. of Genealogists.
Wales. Soc. of Genealogists have collections by Williams, Swinnerton-Hughes, Morris, Watson etc. Welsh genealogy handbook at Soc. of Genealogists. National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3BU hold all deposited parish registers and bishops transcripts: wills pre 1858. CROs at Llangerfri, Caernarfon, Aberystwyth, Carmarthan, Clwyd, Deeside, Cardiff, Dolgellau, Cwmbran, Haverfordwest. "An approach to Welsh genealogy" by F. Jones: Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, 118 Newgate Street, London Ed.
West Indies, see Mrs V.T.C. Smith collection 43 vols at Soc. of Genealogists. Trade directories at Soc. of Genealogists.
W. Germany, "How to find German ancestors" by Dr. Heinz Friederichs (in English), from Verlag Degener & Co., Inh Gerhard Gessner, D8530 Neustadt, P0 Box 1340 Aisch.
Webb, C.R. author, indexer, transcriber of London, SE England genealogical works: 8 Heather Close, New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey.
Wills, see part 4 of this chapter. "Who Was Who", at Soc. of Genealogists and major libraries.
York, P.C.C. wills pub. by Yorkshire Archeological Society.