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Patrick Delaforce & Ken Baldry'The Delaforce Family History' - Chapter 24
In some ways Bernard was the most famous of the Delaforce family. (His life was well documented in Thomas Rymer's Feodora and the Harlejan Manuscripts). He was English Ambassador to Spain for the English Kings, Edward IV, V, Richard III and Henry VII. Bernard was born in the Auvergne at one of the two La Force chateaux in 1446. Seven years later the Hundred Years War came to an end with a complete French victory at the Battle of Chatillon. Possibly Bernard had a brother called Anthony. Certainly he called one of his own sons Anthony. The two names continue for another 300 years. He certainly had a brother John, Seigneur de la Fource, a merchant trader and probably another - Pierre/Peter. On 18th June 1463 Bertrando Fortete 'etiam dicte ville mercatoribus Aurillac' and Bernardus del Forn 'sutor' (probably sutler, army supplier) - father and son were shown in the records of Aurillac in the Auvergne. The British government's exchequer "Warrants for Issue" (i.e. payments) p.104 showed a Treasury payment to Peter Tastano, dean of St.Severin, Bordeaux, English Ambassador from GuiennelAcquitaine in 1463 "for money given to Lewis de Brettaillis and Bernard de La Forsse for certaine secrete matiers". Aged 17 Bernard was now an English secret agent! From August 1464, aged only 18, Bernard became envoy for King Edward IV, then English Ambassador and eventually Knight at the court of the King of Castile in Spain. His family had connections with Navarre. The merchant traders of Bordeaux and London had business with Spain. His missions and travels are well documented. He negotiated with two Spanish Kings, Henry and then with Ferdinand. His main task was to negotiate the marriage of King Edward IV of England's daughter Katherine to John, son of King Ferdinand of Castile. He was given various titles, of Armiger or squire, Magistrate, Ambassador and Knight. His briefings by the English Kings are long and specific and can be seen in the published State Papers. His missions were difficult and not particularly successful. The young Spanish Prince John died aged 19, having made another political marriage.
In his book "Richard the Third", Paul Murray Kendall has this to say about Bernard in 1483. "Richard III appointed Bernard de la Forssa (re Isabella's wish to renew the league of Edward IV and Henry of Castile) who had performed many such missions for Edward IV, to go to Spain on this very business. Since Forssa had apparently not yet sailed, Richard despatched him further instructions in which he outlined his reasons for desiring a renewal of the previous league but made clear that he was willing to agree a new Treaty if Queen Isabella so wished. He wrote a very friendly letter to the Queen herself announcing the arrival of the Spanish Ambassador and telling her that Bernard de la Forssa was on his way to complete negotitions. Spain was far from weak but Ferdinand and Isabella's chief interest in England seems to have been centred in the hope that by making war on France, she would leave them (Spain) free to complete their conquest of the Moors". When Henry Tudor seized the English throne after the battle of Bosworth Field in August 1485, Bernard was in Spain and stayed there for some time. At this time he was probably involved with negotiations to renew the Treaty of Alliance (the oldest alliance of all, that of 1386) with Portugal. In 1489 as Henry VII's ambassador, Sir Bernard was welcomed at Medina del Campo with much ceremony in connection with the proposed marriage of the English Prince Arthur to Catalina (Catherine of Aragon), age 4, Isabel and Ferdinand's daughter. In the Egerton MS 616 folio 6 in the British Museum, Richard of York (Perkin Warbeck) writes from Edinburgh 18th October 1496 to Sir Bernard. The Calender of State Papers Henry VII 1485-1509 record the same letter. "Richard has been creditably informed that he (Bernard) had shown great love, favour and kindness to King Edward IV, his father, and rendered him signal services. King Edward on the other hand held him in high esteem. Begs him to use his influence with his friends in Spain. "To our Trusty and right entirely beloved Bernard de la Forse, Knight at Feuentarrabia in Spain". This letter is the one shown in the last chapter. Bernard must have been a very able man. Not only did he maintain a position in London as a politician and trader, and make frequent visits to Spain, but in 1479 as Bertrand de Fers, Seigneur de Lapayrie (2km. from Fourcès in Gascony) he was counted amongst the "noblesse d'Armagnac". In 1484 he and brother Johanne de Forcesio were witnesses at Auch to Charles d'Armagnac being made Comte de Fezensac. They greeted the French King Charles VIII at Auch in 1491, who granted Bernard permission to rebuild the castle in Fourcès, "his ancestral village", see chapter 27. Bernard's younger son Anthony was already well-known to the French King and court through his visits with Richard of York (Perkin Warbeck) to Paris. In the Chancery Early Proceedings of 1467-85 Vol.2 p.166; 1485-1500 Vol.3 p.28 there are two references to Sir Barnard. Both were civil actions in front of the Mayor and Alderman of London. "John Dort (The same man who asked King Edward IV in 1471 for a grant for prayers for Lord De la Forse, Bernard's father) and William Horton, sureties for Bernard de la Forca in action Colyns against the said Forca. F. is in Spain in the Kings business and suits against him are postponed by letter missive of the King". "Various merchants of Spain are sureties for Bernard de la Force". Petitions by Thomas Randyll of London, tailor, Diego de Castro and Peter de Salamanca, merchants of Spain, to the Bishop of Ely, Chancellor "Bernard Delaforce was bound by his obligation to John a Wode, Treasurer of England to Richard III for £280. The debt being now due, a John barker of London, Goldsmith, pretends that £200 of it was assigned to him by John a Wode for a debt made by the King Richard III and has affirmed a plaint before the sheriff of London against Bernard Delaforce. The case was removed to Chancery but in the absence of Bernard and the petitioners the case was granted to London where John Barker, having great favour and being brother-in-law to the mayor, intended to condemn Bernard. As now Bernard, "for certain matters concerning the league between the King and the King of Spain, is beyond the sea in Spain and will be here in this land soon by mid-summer and that he should be in time charged for the said £200, if the said John Barker should recover against him," the petitioners ask the Chancellor to issue a writ of "certiorari" to the mayor and sheriff of London "to have before the King in his Chancery at a certain day the plaint or action there to be examined and directed according to right and conscience and this for the love of God". Bernard was honoured with titles and grants by Edward IV, Richard III and Henry VII. (a) On 3rd March 1479 Buckden in the Calender of Patent Rolls records a Grant was made to Bernard de la Force by the government of "40L (pounds) yearly from Michaelmas last at the receipt of the Exchequer until he shall be provided for life with lands to the same value". (b) In the Harleian MSS 433, the record of writs and letters of authority issued by John Kendall, Richard III's secretary from the Signet office over the royal sign manual, there is authority for annual payment of fees of £20 to Sir Bernard. Also recorded were his detailed instructions as to his embassy at Fuenterrabia to the Kings of Castile and Spain. (c) In 1490 Bernard de la Fers 'by way of reward' was granted C(100) Marks (Pounds) by King Henry VII. (d) on 6 June 1490 King Henry VII wrote 'Licence to Barnard de La Forse of Spain to ship goods in Spanish ships to England and that the same ships having discharged their cargoes may return to safety". Permission to use foreign ships was most unusual. Bernard probably earned a Fortune in Spain. There are many source references to Bernard. T. Rymer Feodora Xii p.193/8/200 and 228. Harleian MSS 433 f.235. Original letters 2nd series 1 pp.152/4. Letters and papers 1 pp.21-23, f.241 pp.23-25, f.244b1 pp.48-Si. To round off Bernard's unusual history, after receiving King Henry VII's trading permit in 1490 and a reward of C Marcs, he returned from N.W. Spain (Fuenterabbia) to the town of his ancestors - Fourcès in Gascony. There in 1491 as Bertrand de Fourcès 'restitution' was made of 'un tiers de Fourcès et de la Rocque-Fourcès, et creation de foires à Fourcès pour Bertrand de Fourcès seigneur de lieu". Two government Arrets were published to this effec; Registers JJ222, 34 folio 11 and 292 folio 134, signed by King Louis XI from Montils-Lez-Tours. In 1492 "Les heritiers universels de Pierre Fores, sartre (tailor) de Concots (halfway between Cahors and Montauban) devront far las nossas e la festa - le festin (feast) apres la premiere messe (Mass) de leur frere Bernard, Clerc/Magistrate". This might imply a form of Will by Peter Force, tailor and Sir Bernard's brother, that his successors will have a feast for Sir Bernard. On 14th January 1498 Bertrand de Forcez rendered homage to Louis XII King of France and Navarre as "Seigneur, était acquitte des me mes devoirs feodaux (feudal duties) en 1494". "The King is dead, long live, the King". Sir Bernard was correctly making sure that the new King knew where Bernard's loyalties lay. His son Sir Anthony was a member of the Paris Parlement at the time. Benard's family consisted of three sons: Peter (de) Force baptised 1472 who became a Goldsmith of Canterbury and Faversham, Kent, and died in 1523. A long line of goldsmiths, 'bankers', silversmiths, pawnbrokers and stockbrokers followed throughout the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Anthony, the younger son, born 1475, has a chapter to himself. The eldest son Bernard, was born about 1470, and there are several mentions of him. 1509 Bertran de Forc(e) paroisse de Len (Lelin) near Gotz/Auch, Castelgelons, was given permission to return to his lands 'charge' de femme & plusieurs petits enfants'. 1512 Bernard de Forsans was in Montpouillon in Gascony, and in 1519-22 Bertrand Du Fousse/Defosse shipped cargoes from Bordeaux to Bilbao in Spain. Bernards continued until at least 1725, appearing in London and Paris either as goldsmiths, traders or politicians or a combination. 2073/24/1 British Museum Library
Contact: Ken Baldry for more information, 17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY +44(0)20 7359 6294 but best to e-mail him |