Stuff not printed by the Guardian & other thoughts

What Cheney did

There are plenty of conspiracy theories about what really happened on September 11th 2001 in the USA but this is not one, which received support today, when I saw the film "V for Vendetta", which is ostensibly set in England.

A conspiracy theory is one which ignores or distorts the facts that do not agree with it & are generally held by the sort of people who write letters to the press on lined paper in green ink. The "offical" story of what happened on Sept 11th 2001 is indeed a conspiracy theory.

My theory, in a nut-shell, is that Dick Cheney, the "brains" behind the US government, but was well aware of the plot by the terrorists & suggested to George dubbya Bush that they let it go ahead as a way of achieving total power in the name of anti-terrorism. I believe Bush turned him down on the grounds that it was not his job to connive in the massacre of American citizens or some such formulation more in keeping with his tiny brain. The reason that Dubbya stayed in that school classroom with his baby book & did not react immediately, as Clinton would have, was that he could not believe that Cheney had gone ahead despite his veto of the idea.

Let us list a few of the facts that support such a theory:-

  • Junior FBI officers reported that suspect swarthy gentlemen were training at flying schools.
  • These reports were apparently ignored by their superiors.
  • I suspect the superiors passed the reports to Cheney who saw the possibilities.

Now, what happened on the actual day:-

  • Two 767 aeroplanes flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. The towers were built to withstand a collision from a Boeing 707, a bit lighter than a 767 but faster & thus, packing more kinetic energy.
  • Building 6 on the site blew up but nobody flew into it.
  • The towers collapsed, not into a heap of rubble but into dust.
  • No, repeat, no building has ever collapsed because of aeroplane impact before or since.
  • The kinetic energy of the aeroplanes plus the fuel aboard (most of which disappeared in an external fireball) was insufficient to do more than non-fatal damage to the towers.
  • The way the towers collapsed was consistent with a controlled demolition, which would involve the placing of demolition charges over a period of days. Bush's cousin controlled the security firm 'looking after' the towers.
  • In the evening of 11/9/2001, Building 7 was demolished by a controlled demolition (admitted by the owner of the building, Larry Silverstein) because it was on fire. The charges would have had to be in place - see the previous comment.
  • No proper investigation of the site was carried out. Indeed, the metalwork was rushed off to China for melting down. Because they have bought so much US government debt, China owns the USA.

No one has thought fit to bring a libel action against me because of this page, despite England having the most minatory & despicable libel laws on the planet.

You might find the Reinvestigate911 web site interesting, on this link.

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Contact: Ken Baldry at 17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY +44(0)20 7359 6294 or e-mail him
Last revised 26/11/2009© 2006-2009 Ken Baldry. All rights reserved.