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Patrick Delaforce & Ken Baldry'The Delaforce Family History' Part Three - The History Book
In an attempt to clear up anomalies in the record as we had it, we decided to trace back from Bernard, all of his ancestors that we could. This seemed a never-ending task while we were at it, because the wives are under-represented. In fact, it was extraordinary how even the daughters of quite important kings (e.g. Dagobert I) are only represented by the names of their husbands. The trees below only show parentage & omit brothers & sisters. Because Bernard was well recorded & of an 'important' family, there is far more light shining upon our ancestors in this earlier period than during the Middle Ages. For the main Merovingian, Gothic & Basque lines in the trees below, they are taken back to the point of limited credibility, which may be to do the Roman scribes an injustice, as the Romans were very interested in the nations on their borders for both trade and defence reasons. Just when a line become 'legendary' is moot & we will leave it to better qualified historians to elucidate this. Between Bernard & the earliest people here, there are up to 28 generations, suggesting that there are 67,108,864 ancestors in this period. Reducing this for the dead ends encountered, some very late on, would leave us with a mere 40,573,928 ancestors. However, the first tree below has only 12 names where 16 would be expected. This level of cross-marriage, encountered all down these trees, mean that only 421 ancestors are traceable. To assist in cross-referencing the many (sometimes distant) cousin marriages, arbitrary numbers have been allocated to each named ancestor. The generation numbers, back from Bernard, are only somewhat helpful, as some people & hence, trees, are members of more than one generation. Charlemagne is in three. Many of these people married more than once (& both our authors have had two wives). When they remarried, it was sometimes to someone quite closely related to their first spouse. Cousins sometimes married & this occurs in our first consolidated tree, as Alaric, the sacker of Rome, married a cousin, who's name has regrettably not come down to us. Quite close to Bernard, there is even a marriage between a half-brother & sister. We start with the Goths, as their records reliably go back the furthest, doubtless thanks to the Roman Military Intelligence Service, although one would have expected them to go back further. Aoric (?misspelt by the Romans from Alaric) is the earliest credible Visigoth. I have used the correct surname 'Balt', although the family is called 'Balthes' in most of the available records. The problem does not arise with the other significant Goth family, the Amals.
All other colours are used pragmatically to clarify the lines. Male lines use the same colour in any one tree. |
28 |
213Aoric BALT de Wisigothie (abt 290 - 354) = ?NN |
213Aoric BALT de Wisigothie (abt 290 - 354) = ?NN |
27 |
211Rocesthes (abt 320 - 399) = ?NN |
209Alaric I (abt 345 Peuce, Romania - 410 Cosenza, Italy) = ?NN see left below |
26 |
209Alaric I (abt 345 Peuce, Romania - 410 Cosenza, Italy) = ?NN |
210Valia (Wallia) King of the Visigoths (? - 420) Set up the Gascon kingdom = ?NN |
25 |
207Théodoric I King of the Visigoths 420-451 (abt 390 - 451) = 208Flávia Valiana Princess Visigoth (? - 420) i.e. her uncle |
24 |
207Théodoric I King of the Visigoths 420-451 (abt 390 - 451) = 208Flávia Valiana Princess Visigoth (? - 420) |
221Chilperic II King of Burgundy = 222Agrippine de Bourgogne see below |
216Thiudimir AMAL pietas (413 - 471) & 217Ereleuva (430 - ?) |
Note. Do not confuse Theodoric Balt (Visigoth) with Theodoric Amal (Ostrogoth) |
23 |
205Euric I King of the Visigoths 466-484 (abt 415 - 28/12/484) = 206Ragnahilde de Francie (abt 420 -?) |
214Theodoric AMAL "the Great" King of Italy (454 Pannonia - 526) & 1. 215?NN of Moesia (463 -?) |
22 |
203Alaric II of the Visigoths (abt 458 - 507 Battle of Vouillé killed by Clovis I King of the Francs) = 204Teodegonda Amalasunta AMAL Ostrogoth princess (476 - 524) |
203Alaric II of the Visigoths = 204Teodegonda Amalasunta AMAL Ostrogoth princess (476 - 524) see left |
165Clovis I Founder King of the Franks 481 - 511 (466 - 511 Paris) = 168St. Clotilde of Burgundy (abt 475 - 545) see below |
21 |
200Gesalic King of the Visigoths, now in Spain (abt 485 - 511 Barcelona, murdered) = ? a Vandal (abt 490 -?) |
201Amalaric Emperor of Spain (502 - 531 Barcelona murdered by Childebert) = 202Clothilde de France |
20 |
195Athanagilde I King of the Visigoths (510 - 567) = 2. (abt 530) 199Godesvinda Princess Visigoth (abt 520 -?) |
From Athanagilde I King of the Visigoths to Glasvinde Balthes
Athanagilde reappears later as the father of the notorious Brunhilda. All of Recarred's three wives are Delaforce ancestors. The last occurs later.
From Glasvinde Balthes to Ramiro King of Asturias
Chindaswind's daughter Glasvinda married Froila of Cantabria, who's father is unknown. Their line occurs later, as Froila is a direct male ancestor of Bernard de Fourcès' grandmother. Fruela Perez also appears later as the father of Loup II's wife Numabela. One of Chindaswind's sons appears later. With Ramiro & the Goths definitely picking up Spanish name conventions, we must leave them until later. |
15/16 |
186Chinaswind King of the Visigoths 641-649 (?610 - 1/10/653) = 187Rekiberga (?630 - ?653) |
175Favila Balthes Conde da Galiza, son of Chindaswind, left = ?NN |
180Vitulo of Cantabria maybe son of 182Froila, see below left = ?NN |
14 |
182Froila Count of Cantabria = 183Glasvinda Balthes Princess Visigoth |
184Fávila II Balthes Duke of Galiza (?650 - ?) = 185Luz de Cantabrie |
177Pedro (Pierre) Duke of Cantabria fr 700 (?670 - ?) = ? see far left below |
13 |
177Pedro (Pierre) Duke of Cantabria fr 700 (?670 - ?) = ?NN |
178Pélage (Pelayo) Balthes Prince of the Astúrias (abt 680 - 737) = 179Gaudasia of the Galiza (?685 -?) |
45Fruela Perez of Bardalia Duke of Cantabria (?705 - ?765) = ? 46Gosendes |
12 |
173Alphonse I the Catholic, King of Asturies (?693 - 757) = 174Hermesinde Balthes (abt 710 - ?) |
37Rodrigo I Frolaz Count of Castille (abt 745 -?) = 176Sancha see also below |
11 |
169Bermudo I 'the Deacon' King of the Asturias fr 789-791 (?760 - 797) = 170Ursinde de Nunilon (?752 - ?) |
171Diego Rodriguez comte de Castille (?770 - ?) = 172Paterna |
10 |
133Ramiro I King of the Asturias fr 20/3/842 (780 Oviedo - 1/2/850) = |
Two Roman Emperors
The fathers of both Theodosius & Valentinian rose from the ranks to become Comes (Counts).
Clovis & St Clothilde's families
The Frankish records, if some researchers are to be believed, go back into BC times. We do not believe them but the existence of Marcomir seems reasonably reliable. St. Clothilde's Burgundian ancestors include Alaric I's brother or half-brother (the hot money seems to be on the latter) Athaulf, who's wife was the daughter of the Spanish-born Roman emperor, Theodosius the Great, the last one to rule over both halves of the Empire. Their daughter, Clothilde, is a shadowy figure & we suspect that she was either born before Athaulf & Galla's spectacular nuptials or does not exist in that line. Gundovic later reappears as an ancestor of Dagobert I's queen & Charlemagne's wife. Gebicca founded the Burgundian kingdon with his capital at Worms. This was later moved to Geneva. |
24 |
393Marcomir King of the East Franks (347 - 404) = 394Siegse |
4xxGenebald King of Cimbri = ?NN |
Godomar of Burgundy (?325 - ?) = ?NN |
300Athanaric II (abt 318 - 25/1/381) see above = ?NN |
301Theodosius I Emperor of Rome (?346 - 17/1/395) above = 106Galla | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 |
232Pharamond King of all the Franks (370 - 430) = 233Argotta of Cimbri |
181Wedelphus King of Thuringia (?360 - ?445) = ?NN |
234Gebicca of Burgundy = Dietlinde (a Goth) |
257Athaulf (abt 355 - 415 Barcelona murdered) = (413) 259Galla Placida of Rome (abt 389 - 450) |
22 |
227Clodion King of the Franks (389 - 445) = 228Basina (398 - 470) Princess of Thuringia |
229Clodion Von Koln Riparian Frankish King = 230Ildegonde |
281Berthaire I of Thuringia = ?NN |
231Gondicar of Burgundy (abt 410 - 436) = 258Clotilde (414 -?) |
21 |
223Merovech (abt 411 - 458) King of the Salian Franks, more-or-less Holland, from 448 to 458 = 224Chlodeswinthe Verica (418 - 449) |
Basin of Thuringia (?460 - ?) = 278Menia |
225Gundovic (Gondioc) King of Burgundy (? - aft 473) = 226?Caretena a Swabian (? - ?506) |
20 |
219Childeric I (436 - 26/11/481) King of the Salian Franks 458-459 & 463-481 = 220Basina Audovera (? - 491) Princess of Thuringia |
221Chilperic II King of Burgundy (?450 - 474 murdered) = 222Agrippine aka Caretena see also below |
19 |
165Clovis I Founder King of the Franks 481 - 511 (466 - 511 Paris) = 168St. Clotilde of Burgundy (abt 475 - 3/6/545) |
From Clotaire I to Loup II of Gascony
19 |
165Clovis I Founder King of the Franks 481 - 511 (466 - 511 Paris) = 168St. Clotilde of Burgundy (abt 475 - 3/6/545) |
161Clotaire I (497 - 561) King of France from 511 = 2. (517) 256Ingund (? - 536) Princess of Thuringia |
196Athanagilde I King of the Visigoths (510 - 567) = 2. 199Godesvinda Princess Visigoth (abt 520 -?) see above |
18 |
161Clotaire I (497 - 561) King of France & 162Arégonde (concubine) (511 - ?) |
163Branulphe I d' Ardennes (503? - ?) = 164Crotechilde the Ostrogoth (508? - ?) |
163Branulphe I d' Ardennes (503? - ?) = 164Crotechilde the Ostrogoth (508? - ?) see left |
254Sigebert (535 Metz - 575 murdered by Fredegunde left) King of Austrasia = (567 Metz) 255Brunhilda (545 - 613) |
17 |
158Chilperic I (539 - murdered 584) = 159Fredegunde (545 - 597) |
160Branulphe II d' Ardennes (550? - ?) = ?NN |
251Childebert II King of Austrasia and Burgundy (570 - 595 poisoned) = 252Faileuba |
190Recarred I Balthes & 3. 253Chlodosind (Chlodoswintha) see above |
16 |
157Amand Duke of Gascony = ? |
249Theuderic II King of Burgundy and Austrasia (587 - 613) = 250Ermenberta |
15 |
153Charibert II (?608 - 631) = 154Gisela (abt 610 - ?) |
248Childebert = ?NN |
14 |
151Boggis (626 - 688) Duke of Aquitaine = 152'St' Oda or Odile (abt 625 - 720) |
13 |
12 |
147Hatton (?695 - aft 744) = 148Wandrade |
144Hunold (707 - killed 778) Duke of Aquitaine 735 - 745 = ? |
11 |
145Loup I (715 - 774) Duke of Gascony = 146Wanda de Toulouse |
142Walfar or Waifre (731 - 2/6/768 Périgord assasinated) Duke of Aquitaine & Duke of Gascony from 745 = 143Adele of Gascony |
10 |
143Adele of Gascony = 142Walfar or Waifre (731 - 2/6/768 Périgord assasinated) Duke of Aquitaine & Duke of Gascony from 745 see right up one |
50Loup II (755 - 791) Duke of Gascony from 768 - 778 see below = (abt 770) 51Numabela of Cantabria |
Valtrude of Verdun's family
Valtrude's ancestors contain a refreshingly different set of characters from all over Western Europe. Sigibert was the son of Chilibert of Cologne & Amalberge |
20 |
273 |
221 |
274St. Rusticus de Lyons Bishop of Lyons (?455 - 25/4/501) = 275 |
277Basin of Thuringia (?460 - ?) son of 281Berthaire I of Thuringia = 278Menia |
Tonnance Ferreol a Roman (? - aft 474) = 4xxPapianille Gallo of Rome |
279Gueric Governor of Reims (? - 494) son of 404Agilulf = 282Gunzie la Franque |
19 |
268 |
269 Florentinus Bishop Elect of Geneva (?480+ - aft 513) = Artemia de Lyons |
270 |
271 |
268 Chloderic the Parricide King of Cologne see left = ? |
268 Chloderic the Parricide King of Cologne see left = ? |
18 |
262Mundéric Pretender of Austrasia (?500 - ?533 killed by Theuderic I) = 263Arthemia de Genève (?515 - ?) |
264 |
262 |
398 |
242Ansbertus Ferreolus of Schelde (?475 - 528) = 266Dode des Francs Ripuaires (?509 - ?) |
267(son of Chloderic) = ? |
17 |
243Gondolfus Bishop of Tongres aka Mummolin des Francs Ripuaires (?530 - 607) = (bfr 555) 261v |
244Bodegise I Duke of Swabia (530? - 581?) brother of Gondolfus left = (562) 245Palatina de Troyes |
246Ansbertus Gallo Senator of Schelde (?523 - ?570) = 247Blithilde of Cologne (?583 - ?603) |
16 |
239Baudgise II Duke of Aquitaine (?569 - 582 murdered Carthage) = 'St' 240Oda aka Chrodoare the Sueve (abt 562 - 634) cousins |
241Arnold of the Schelde Bishop of Metz (560 - ?) = 'St' 240Oda aka Chrodoare the Sueve (abt 562 - 634) |
15 |
237'Saint' Arnulf Bishop of Metz (13/8/582 - 18/7/640 Remiremont) = 238Clothilde (Doda) de Saxe (?583 - ?612) half-siblings see also below |
14 |
235Walchigise of Verdun (611 - ?) = 236Valtrude |
283St Clodoule of Metz = ?NN |
13 |
150Valtrude of Verdun = 149Eudes (abt 646 - 735) (see this link) |
Hunold of Aquitaine to Garcias Seguin, Duke of Gascony
14 |
144Hunold (707 - killed 778) Duke of Aquitaine 735 - 745 see above = ?NN |
145Loup I (715 - 774) Duke of Gascony see above = 146Wanda de Toulouse |
13 |
142Walfar or Waifre (731 - 2/6/768 Périgord assasinated) Duke of Aquitaine & Duke of Gascony from 745 = 143Adele of Gascony |
12 |
141Aznar Count of Aragon (? - 795) = ?NN |
140Adalric Duke of Gascony in 778 (abt 750 - 812 killed by Charlemagne) = ?NN |
11 |
139Galindo Count of Aragon (?750 - 815) = ?NN |
138Garcias Seguin II aka Loup Centule Duke of Gascony 812 (abt 770 - 816 killed by Charlemagne) = ?NN |
10 |
52Aznar I Count of Aragon (bfr 809 - 839) = 113Onneca of Navarre dau of Loup Centule |
104Donat Loupa Count of Bigorre & Gascony (bfr 827 Aude - ?) see below = 105Faquila de BIGORRE (abt 828 Aude - ?) |
Teresa of Leon's family (wife of Garcias Sanchez of Navarre)
Garcias Sanchez was Bernard's great-great-grandfather three times. Teresa was descended from Ramiro the Visigoth twice. This is also the first appearance but not the last, of Iñigo Arista, the first King of Navarre.
The Burgundians
We met Gundovic as the grandfather of Clovis' wife. Gundobald killed both of his brothers & was the Commander of the Western Roman Army from 472-3, just before the collapse in 476. Sigusmund was killed by the Franks who absorbed Burgundy in 534. |
24 |
225Gundovic (Gondioc) King of Burgundy see link above (? - abt 470) = 226?NN a Swabian (? - ?506) |
214Theodoric AMAL "the Great" King of Italy (454 Pannonia - 526) see link above & 1. 215? of Moesia (463 -?) |
214Theodoric AMAL "the Great" King of Italy (454 Pannonia - 526) see link above & 1. 215? of Moesia (463 -?) |
294Ellak King of the Huns (? - ?451) son of 295Attila (406 - 453) = ?NN |
23 |
288Gundobald King of Burgundy from abt 470 - 516 (? - 516) = 289?Caretena |
290Theodoric II of the Ostrogoths (?484 - ?) = ?NN |
292Ardaric King of the Gepids = 293?Acama a Hun |
214Theodoric AMAL "the Great" King of Italy (454 Pannonia - 526) see left = 296Audofledis (469 - 30/4/535 assassinated) sister of Clovis the Great |
22 |
286Sigusmund King of the Burgundians 516-524 = 287Theodegotho |
291Elemund King of the Gepids (? - ?491) = ?NN |
21 |
284Wacho King of the Lombards = 285Austrigusa of the Gepids (? - ?504) |
The Bavarian ancestors of Charlemagne's wife
21 |
418Theodebert of Bavaria King of Austrasia 533-547 (505 - 548) = 419Deuteria (?503 - ?548) dau. of Tonnance III see above |
284Wacho King of the Lombards = 285Austrigusa of the Gepids (? - ?504) |
20 |
415Garibald I Duke of Bavaria (?525 - ?590) = 416Waldrada of Lombardy (?530 - ?) 2nd husband |
19 |
Carloman = Gertrude (555 - ?) |
417Grasulf de Frioul (?525 - 589) = ?NN |
Carloman = Gertrude (555 - ?) see left |
18 |
412Tassilo I Duke of Bavaria fr 591 (? - 609) = ?NN |
413Gisulf II de Frioul (?550 - 611) = 414Romilde |
17 |
410Garibald II Duke of Bavaria 610 - 640 = 411Geila de Fioul |
420Erlebert von Salzburg = ? |
16 |
127Theodon of Bavaria = 128Gleisnod |
408Robert von Salzburg = 409Theodora |
15 |
348Theodon of Bavaria (?640 -?717) = 349Folchaide von Salzburg see below |
16/15 |
311Ansigisel Austrasian Palace Mayor (?615 - ?685) = 312St Begga (?615 - ?692) see below |
401Ervik King of the Visigoths = Liubigotona see link above |
402Warinus Count of the Franks (?620 Moselle - 677 stoned) = 403Kunza of Treves (?625 Treves - aft 650) dau of 283St Clodoule of Metz |
372Godefried Duc d"Alemanie (? - 709) = ?NN of Bavaria |
313Theuderic III of Neustria (653 - 691) see below = 314Clothilde Doda de Metz (650 - 692) dau. of Ansigisel see far left |
15 |
368Pepin 'the Fat' Count of Anjou & Orleans (645 - 16/12/714 Tours) = 369Alpaide (645 - 705) |
400Leutwinus Bishop of Treves (?650 - 713) = ? |
307Martin de Laon see below = 308Bertrade l'Ancienne De Pruem (?675 - 721) |
309Hugobert of Austrasia = 310Irmina d'Oeren (?650 - ?706) Abbess of Oeren fr 698 see below |
348Theodon King of Bavaria (?640 -?717) = 349Folchaide von Salzburg see the tree above |
370Huoching de Souabe (685 - ?727) = 371Berthe de Neustrie (676 - 740) |
14 |
365Charles 'Martel' (676 - 22/10/741) = 366Rotrude of Austrasia (690 - 714) |
305Charibert Comte de Laon 743-744 (bfr 696 - aft 747) = 306Bertrade de Baviere |
404Agilulf de Vintschgau (?670 - ?726) = 331? dau of 333Godogisel |
367Nébi de Souabe (?705 - ?) = Hereswintha of Saxony (?705 - ?) |
13 |
361Pepin 'the Short' (714 - 24/9/768 Saint Denis) = 362Bertrada aux Grand Pieds of Laon (720 - 12/7/783 Choisy au Bac), the original “Mother Goose” |
363Gérold de Vintschgau (?725 - ?) = 364Emma de Souabe (?735 - ?) |
12/11/10 |
55Charlemagne (2/4/742 Ingelheim, Hesse - 28/1/813-4 Aachen) = (?775) 56Hildegarde de Vintschgau (?757 - 26/4/783) |
11 |
406Louis I 'the Pious' (778 - 840) = 407Irmengard (? - ?817) see below |
Adalric, King of the Ardennes to Waudbert V of Lommois
This line was a surprise, coming from Gersenda of Toulouse, the wife of William of Fezensac. Hoping, if we followed her line, for more information about Toulouse, the capital of Euric the Goth's vast, unsustainable empire, her tree swept up half of Western Europe, including Charlemagne. |
20 |
360Adalric King of the Ardennes, son of 227Clodion see above (448 - 516) = ?NN |
19 |
358Walbert I Count de Ardennes = 359Lucille |
18 |
356Waudbert II de Lommois (535 Lille - ?) = 357Amalberge von Thuringen (?540 - ?) |
17 |
354Waudbert III de Lommois = 355Clothide an Ostrogoth |
16 |
352Waudbert IV de Lommois = 353Amalberge de Landen |
15 |
344Waudbert V de Lommois (635 - ?) = 345Berthilde von Thuringen (640 - ?) |
Angilbert Of Ponthieu
14 |
344Waudbert V de Lommois (635 - ?) = 345Berthilde von Thuringen (640 - ?) |
346Vincent Madelgaire Comte de Hainault (?635 - ?670) = 347Wautrude de Lommois |
348Theodon of Bavaria (?640 -?717) see above = 349Folchaide von Salzburg |
350Walmar de Boulogne (630 - 656) = 351Ada |
13 |
339Waudbert VI de Lommois (665 - 704) = 340Adeltrude de Hainault (670 - ?) |
341Theudobert Duke of Bavaria (? - ?722) = 342Bilitrud |
343Walmar de Boulogne (656 - 688) = ? de Ponthieu |
12 |
336Waudbert VII de Lommois (695 - 725) = 337Aldegonde of Bavaria (700 - ?) |
338Thierry II de Ponthieu (685 - 734) = ? |
11 |
335Waudbert VIII de Lommois (725 - 762) = ?NN |
55Charlemagne see above = (?775) 56Hildegarde de Vintzau (?757 - 26/4/783) |
10 |
81Angilbert de Ponthieu (?750 - 18/2/814) = 82Berthe de France (?779 - 14/1/823) |
Clovis II of Bavaria, King of Neustria & Burgundy
Among a dynasty dominated by their Palace Mayors, Clovis II & Dagobert I managed to stand up for themselves.
Josseaume, Count of Rheims
16 |
237Arnulf of Heristal Bishop of Metz (13/8/582 - 16/8/640) see above = 238Clothilde de Saxe (?583 - ?612) |
317Pepin of Landen Duke of Brabant (?591 - ?639) son of 212Carloman (?550 -?645) & 218Gertrude of Bavaria (556 - ?) = 405Iduberga Itta (597 - 652) dau of 241Arnold Bishop of Metz see above |
318Clovis II de Baviere (634 - 31/10/657) see above = 319Bathilde (? - aft 665) |
311Ansigisel = 312St Begga see below left |
320Hugues of Austrasia, Palace Mayor 616-618 (?595 - abt 618) = ?NN |
395Bodilon de Treves = 396Sigrade Flavia |
397Chrodobert de Neustrie (?600 - ?680) = ?NN |
321Dagobert I (602 - 19/1/639 Saint Denis) King of Austrasia 623-632 & France from 628 see above = 1. 422Ragentrude of Austrasia |
15 |
311Ansigisel Austrasian Palace Mayor (?615 - ?685 murdered) = 312St Begga (?615 - ?692) |
313Theuderic III of Neustria (653 - 691) = 314Clothilde Doda de Metz (650 - 692) |
315Alberic of Austrasia (?620 - ?) = 316Adèle of Treves (?625 - ?) |
399Théodard de Tongres (620 - 673) = ?NN |
14 |
307Martin de Laon (?655 - aft 696) = 308Bertrade l'Ancienne De Pruem (?675 - 721) |
309Hugobert of Austrasia = 310Irmina d'Oeren (?650 - ?706) Abbess of Oeren fr 698 |
13 |
305Charibert Comte de Laon 743-744 (bfr 696 - aft 747) = 306Bertrade de Baviere (aft 698 - 737) |
12 |
303Garnier de Reims (?716 - 736) = 304Rolande de Francie (?715 - ?) |
11 |
302Thierry de Reims (?735 - 772) = ?NN |
10 |
80Josseaume Comte de Reims (?762 - 802) = ?NN |
William Garcias of Fezensac's wife Gersenda
Gersenda's tree provided a particularly rich collection of ancestors, many of whom recur.
William Garcias of Fezensac to his Visigoth roots
Patrick had found the Fezensacs to be the key to crack open the earlier Medieval Delaforces &, on examining their forbears, they also opened up the Dark Ages. |
10 |
45Fruela of Cantabria, (?705 - ?765) a Visigoth, father of Numabela, see right & above = 46Gosendes |
47Donat Count of Bueil (his father was Loup II, right) (?780 - ?) = ?NN |
48Thierry d'Autun (?735 - 793) = 49Aldana de France daughter of 365Charles Martel |
53Carloman King of Austrasia fr 771 (?751 - 771) son of 361Pepin the Short = ? |
50Loup II (755 - 791) Duke of Gascony from 768 - 778 see above = (abt 770) 51Numabela of Cantabria, dau. of 45Fruela see left |
52Aznar Galindez d'Aragon (?775 - 839) Comte d'Aragon, Gascogne, Urgel, Jaca & Cerdagne = 113Onneca de Navarre see above |
54Roricon I Count of Maine = ? |
55Charlemagne (2/4/742 Ingelheim, Hesse - 28/1/813-4 Aachen) see above = (?775) 56Hildegarde de Vintzau (?757 - 26/4/783) |
9 |
37Rodrigo I Frolaz de Castille = 176Sancha |
38Daton comte de Bueil (?800 - 850) = ?NN |
39Guillaume 'le Saint' de Gellone (751 - 1/6/812 Gellone) = 40Cunégonde (?770 - 19/6/835) |
41Lope Sancho Duke of Gascony 778 - 812 (?772 - 812) = 42Toda Aznarez De Aragón |
43Roricon II Count of Maine = 44Rotrude (8/774 Aachen - 6/6/810) |
8 |
30Sanche Garcias Mitarra I Duke of Gascony King of Navarre (810 - 864) = 31Uracca Major SANCHEZ of Aragon (815 - ?) |
32Garcia comte de Bueil (?820 - ?) = ?NN |
33Bernard de Septimanie Duke of Narbonne & Count of Barcelona (?795 - 844 Aachen) = (24/6/824) 34Dhoude D'UZES (?804 - 843) Countess of Agen see above |
7 |
26Sanche Garcias Mitarra II Duke of Gascony 852 King of Navarre in 901 (abt 830 - ?) = 27Urraca Galindez de ARAGON |
28Roselinde d'Agen = 29Woulgrin de Taillefer Count of Perigord (?835 Maine - 3/5/886 Angouleme) |
6 |
24Garcia Sanchez 'le Courbé' Duke of Gascony (?850 - ?920) = 25Aminiana (Munia) d' Angoulême (?862 - aft 904) |
5 |
18William I Garcias Count of Fezensac aka Guillaume Garces (906 - 960) = 19Gersenda of Toulouse see next tree above |
The Muslims
The appearance of Muhammed-the-Prophet was quite a surprise, a consequence of Fortun-hunting, but we had ruled him out originally, as King Fortun 'the Monk' of Navarre, who married the daughter of Lope & Ayab, did not appear to be an ancestor but his much-married daughter Oneca turned up in the wives' lines. 380Jimeno Sanchez de Navarre 'El Fuerte' (the Cruel) is our earliest direct male line ancestor. These are shown with a bright yellow background below. |
16 |
424Abu al Hakim (569? - ?) = 425Amina bint 'Alkama |
391Uthman (Umayyad) ibn 'Affan = 392Ruqayyah bint Muhammed (598? - 623?) dau. of 421Muhammed-the-Prophet = 423 Khadija bint Khuwaylid (571? - 617?) |
186Chinaswind King of the Visigoths 641-649 (?610 - 1/10/653) see above = 187Rekiberga (?630 - ?653) |
15 |
387Marwan I Caliph of Damascus (624? - 685?) = 388Aisha bint 'Uthman |
389Theodofred Duke of Cordova = 390Recilona Princess of Visigoths |
14 |
384Musa ben Nuseir al-Bekir = daughter of Marwan I of Damascus |
385Roderic last Spanish King of the Visigoths (?670 - 711 Battle of Guadalete) = 386Egilona |
13 |
381Cassius Fortunius Count of Meark Founder of the Banu Qasi converted 714 (?685 - ?) a Visigoth = ? |
382Abdul Aziz (abt 670 - abt 717) Governor of Egypt, then King of Spain = 383Egilona Visigoth princess |
12 |
378Fortun Ibn Qasi Fortunius (?710 - ?) = 379Aisha (?715 - ?) |
380Jimeno Sanchez de Navarre 'El Fuerte' (?764 - ?) a Basque = ? |
11 |
377Musa I ibn Fortun Chief of the Banu Qasi = 94? |
376Iñigo Jimenez = 94? widow of 377Musa ibn Fortun left |
10 |
374Musa II (?785 - 26/9/862) Chief of the Banu Qasi = 375Assona INIGUEZ |
9 |
110Lope ibn Musa = 111Ayab Al-Bulatiya see below |
Garcia Iniguez & Urraca de Gimenez
Garcias Sanchez of Navarre & Teresa Endregoto Galindez
We had much difficulty tracking Teresa until we realised that a woman described simply as 'Andregoto' was her. Several of the lines above meet here. Because of generation overlap, this was easily the hardest tree to make sense of.
Bernard Baron de Fourcès back to Navarre
Patrick had the father of 11Guillaume as Donat Sanche, who turned out to be the same man as 20Garcia I SANCHEZ King of Navarre. 17Arabi/Aribert, 12Ricsinde, & 9Adelias seem to be lost to the historical record.
Contact: Ken Baldry for more information, 17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY +44(0)20 7359 6294 but best to e-mail him |