Patrick Delaforce & Ken Baldry

'The Delaforce Family History' - Chapter 33
The Gironde and Gascony in the 12th and 13th Century

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Chapter 33

"But the Age of Chivalry is gone..." EDMUND BURKE 1729-1797

The Gironde and Gascony in the 12th and 13th Century

Several chapters in this book overlap: the family in the Auvergne (chapter 29); the Bordeaux wine growers (chapter 27), the London Merchant Adventurers (chapter 32) were all concerned with events which took place in the 13th century. Indeed another chapter (No 31) about the Prelates mainly takes place in these two centuries.

The main purpose of this chapter is to try to identify the links between BERNARD de la Force born about 1280 (chapter 27) and the family living in the Gironde and Gascony about 1100 AD. On the basis of five generations per century the task involved therefore is searching for ten consecutive fathers and sons: the data presented has been dated and coded from the generations in chapter 27 (link to the table) to the generation at the beginning of the 12th century (18). For most of these two centuries the Gironde and Gascony were owned by the English, dating from 1152 when Eleanor of Aquitaine divorced Louis VII King of France to marry HENRY II. She brought with her the enormous, rich dowry of Aquitaine which was also known as Guienne.

Although the Crusades took place from 1095-1291, they did not appear to have directly affected the Delaforces, apart from the three generations of Williams, Earls of Albermarle (see chapters 36, 37 and 38).

The populations of the main towns were small and the records that have survived have shown details of the family. Bordeaux had a population of only 20,000, Agen 6,000, La Reole, Razas, Libourne and Marmande only 2,500 each. As the Delaforces were Bishops, Chevaliers, Jurats (wine councillors), mayors there was an excellent chance of them being mentioned. The name patterns are fairly clear. The Arnolds, Peters, Helies, Raymonds, were living in and around Bordeaux. Their families exist to this day as FORT, FORTIN and du Foussat. They were related as cousins to the mainstream families of Williams and Bernards.

The genealogical sources are:-

(a) the Departmental Inventaires-Sommaires
(b) the Archives Historiques of the Gironde and Gascony
(c) Gallia Christiana
(d) the Cartulaires of all the old, well documented monasteries around Bordeaux and Auch
(e) the Gascon Rolls in PRO Chancery Lane.

Between them they contributed several hundred references to the family which does help follow the lineage through the two centuries. Very early in the 12th century two surveys of tax payers were published in Gascony and although the relationships of the many members of the family were not revealed, the names and towns were most helpful and bridged the gap between the 12th and 11th centuries.

The picture is quite clear: the Bernards were wealthy and influential landowners: a curious mixture of Bishops, Archpriests and Soldiers. The family town of Fourcès is only a few miles inside the Gascon borders and very close to the Gironde. It was close to the river Garonne and made journeys to Bordeaux quick and easy, towards the towns of Bazas, La Reole, Bourg, Ornon and Glaye. It was particularly Fortunate that local historians chronicled the detailed events.of these quite small towns, usually from about 1250. The two Anglo-French treaties of 1279 and 1280 between the Kings of France and England altered the boundaries between the two countries. The Chronological tables that follow contain but a fraction of the wealth of clues available: they have been selected mainly for the Bernards and Williams.

Possible date of birth




From chapter 26, the key BERNARD at the beginning of the 13th century and end of the 12th century was the BERNARD d’ORNON, chevalier, and in 1312 father of GUILHEM FORT, Seigneur d’ORNON and Jean d’ORNON. In 1310 BERNARD de la Forssa, was Prevost or mayor of CAMPARRIAN near SAUBIIAU/SAUBUSSE (BAZAS), a few miles away from ORNON on the outskirts of Bordeaux. A reasonable assumption is that he was born about 1280 AD. Whether he survived fighting the Scots in 1319 and 1320 (Extrait de Brequigny books 3 and 8) is not known.



In 1297 BERTRAND den FAUCAR was mayor of Bordeaux at the same time as several WILLIAMS fathers/sons were mayors of BOURG which is 15 km north of Bordeaux on the east side of the great river GARONNE. BERTRAND was born about 1260 AD. In 1294/6 the French army occupied Gascony under Phillip IV for a short time.



In 1289 there are three separate references to Bernard. "BERNARDUM de FFORCES, chevalier" was 'descended from OTHOMS de LEOMANNIA'. A vital clue revealed: Lomagne is north of Auch in Gascony, just east of Armagnac country. Then BERNARD de Fourcès was given by King Edward of England the sovereignty of the Chateau of FIMARGON in a land dispute at St Martin de Goyne on the river Gers, between the Counts of LOMAGNES and the FIMARCONS BERNARD FOSSATI, notary of MALOVICINO (MAS-d’AUVIGNON) was a witness to an Act whereby JORDAN de l’ISLE ceded lands to the Count of Armagnac. These three references all in Gascony, refer to Bernard born about 1260 'Le Sires de FIMARCON, vassaux des Rois d’Angleterre édifièrent le chateau a la fin 15, sur le modèle des chateaux anglais'.


In 1286 Pierre ASTAFFORT sold to VITAL MARTHORET 'plusieurs terres casals (farms) dans le fief noble & territoire de FORCEZ, LARROQUE et BEAUMONT de LOMAGNE'. In the same year BERNARDUS de FORCEZIC, de FFORCES and HUGO his brother and CLARMONDE their mother were living near St SIMON, CONDOM & MONTREAL 'recognoveruat se tenere a dicto domino Rege quidquid habeat in Castro de FORCEZIC et in rupe (rock) de FORCEZIC - century solidos morlanos domini AGENEZII (Agen some 40 miles North), et unum militem (soldier), seu scutiferum (equipment), equo (horse) et armis, armatum de exercitu, Edoarde Anglise Regi' (Source Bordeaux archives No 12, book 1 p.353). Bernard and Hugo’s contribution in money and armed soldiery to the English King was clarified.



The Auvergne records show that sometime in 1286 Bernard and another brother ARCHAMBAULD/ARNOLD were in Aurillac, and that Bernard had two sons called BERNARD & ARCHAMBALD. In 1281 Bernard de la Force has sold land in the Auvergne to Etienne de Scorailles, bishop of the northern town of MAURIAC.



In 1283 BERTRANDI de FOSSATO, was a landowner in the Bordeaux area. In 1279 a major outbreak of Peste - the Black Death - broke out in the Dordogne and northern Gascony: Agen & Condom were ceded to the King of England.



In 1271 BERTRANDUS de FOSSATO, his brother ARNANDOS de FURCIS, both ‘domi zellus’ (a title) and AMANEUS de FOSSATO were in Agen to pay fealty to King Edward I. In 1263 BERTRAN de la FFORCARIA lived at SEGONSAC, near the towns of FOURS and BLAYE (which is the next parish to BOURG). WILlIAMS had been Mayors of BOURG since 1247, and chevaliers of LANDERON for the towns in the Gironde (not Gascony) of FOSSÈS, de FORCES and FORCES (Rec. FEUDAL No 495 1 July 1263)






BERNARD was known as a CAVOIR or SQUIRE in 1265 when he was a TEMOIN or WITNESS when three local lords paid hommage to the English King. One was GERAUD, Comte d’ARMAGNAC and FEZENSAC; the next was GUILLAUME de BEAUVILLE, Seigneur de LANGON and the third was GAILLARD de FARGUES. The phrase used was "caution analogue fournis par Bertran de La FFORCARIA". LANGON and FARGUES were north of BAZAS. This illustrates the fact that the family had influential links with Bordeaux and Gascony.



In 1247-54, BERTRAND de Fourcès, de FONTE, de FURCYS was a Chevalier 'convoquée par le Prince Edouard à la guerre d’Ecosse' and later again for King Henry III (of England). He would have been born about 1220. In 1258-74 Guillelmus, Sancius, Arnaldus & Garsie were inter-related and living around Auch, Nogatel and Savannes in Gascony: William father & son were Chevaliers of Agen. In 1255 BERNARDO DOFFAS donated a church of BECCAVE (modern BETIAVE) in Gascony (Archives,de SIMORRE). He was married about 1240 to CLARMONDE and had a brother ARCHAMBAULD/ARNOLD. They both visited, occasionally lived in the Auvergne. Historian BOUILLET calls them by their full name DE LA FORCE.



In 1248 WILLIAM BERNARD DELFAUR of ORNON and LAIRAC, with brothers AYQUEM & RAYMOND of FLOYRAC sought safe conduct passes for himself & sons to travel from Langon to Agen.
He was shown as Consul of CAHORS and CAJARC.



In 1259 'super domos BERNARDI FORT, justa domos qui fuerunt monarchi LAMBIATOIRS' (Cartulaire of AUCH). He was the overlord of the area covered by the river LAMBON which flows from the Garonne towards, but not reaching, Auch.
In the period 1238-46 BERNARD de FORCE accompanied Raymond Count of Toulouse to the Abbey of BELLAPERTICA (Belle perche) near Verdun sur Garonne, as 'Dominum FortunICA', donating 1/3rd of his lands to the church of TUDELE in Armagnac territory, As BERNARD FORT of SEGONHAC he paid hommage to King Henry III in 1238. At the same time his brother GUILLAUME de Fourcès/de FORS was signing a local Treaty of Auch (1226 and 1247) paying fealty to the Comte de Poitiers.



In 1230 two brothers BERNARD & ANTHOINE DELFAR visited del BOSC, AGEN.


1200 or 1180

In 1222 two brothers WILLIAM BERNARD and BERNARDUS ODON FORTO, were Seigneurs of MONTREAL & LAURAC (near the family town of Fourcès). They exempted citizens of Toulouse from paying taxes and tolls wehn they crossed the family lands.


In 1213 AIMERY de FORZ gave lands to the Abbey GRACE-DIEU in St SAUVEUR (East of Auch) with the assent of his brothers WILLELMI and BERTHANNUS, milites (chevaliers).


In 1204 BERNARDUS FORTE was Abbot of AIZ in St.Emilion (modern Abbées-de-FAIZE, near Libourne). The Abbot was probably born about 1160, son of the bishop of Tarbes, grandson of the bishop of CAHORS.



In 1196 BERNARD del FOSSAR, Sanche FORTZ del COLUMBER (Ste-COLOMBE) & FORTZ de la CAUZENA (modern de la Caussald) were landowners in the St Emilion area. Since the three small towns are so close together one can assume the Abbot of AIZ was father of the two sons.



Between 1160-7 BERNARD de FOEST was archpriest of ORNON,



LUPIAC and CESTARS: his brother WILLIAM BERNARD FORT was also an archpriest: both lived in the Gironde. Bernard later became Eveque/Bishop of TARBES.



In 1159 the Chartes of the Abbey of GIMONT (East of Auch) showed many mentions of the family including BERNARDO des FORC married to SANCIA, father of four sons. GASSIOUS (GARSIAS); FORTONE SANCIC; BERNARDO and WILLIAM BERNARDO.



In 1146 BERNARD, S. de MONTESQUIEU, son of GARSIEV le VIEL was shown as cousin to FORTON, Comte d’ASTARAC, a feodal domaine south of Auch.


In 1142 Raymond - BERNARD du FOSAT was bishop of Agen.



In 1156 BERNARD of MEZONS/MEZINS, north of Fourcès, was shown as father of RAIMUNDUS DELFOSSAT, of BERNARDUS, of FORT ANELLIS/ATHO (ANTHONY) and GUILLELMUS. The surname was also spelt DELAROFOIT.



In 1150 BERNARDU FOSSAT was eveque (bishop) of Agen. His brother WILLIAM/GAUCELMI FORT/FORTIS and his son William la were 'archipresbyter inter alios laudavit' present at the founding of the Priory of S.FIDIS de MANSIROT near Bordeaux. Father and son gave lands of BETORAR & LUDON to the Abbaye St CROIX of Bordeaux. As Bishop of Agen it was probable that Bernard’s son would follow in his footsteps and become Bishop of Tarbes about 1170.
In 1110 and 1120 two major surveys of landowners were carried out and still exist. They covered the area of most of Gascony. They were called the surveys of AGUT dicit BARBARU. The river AGOUT flows from the River TARN into Gascony:
BARBARU was BARBATAN due west of CONDOM in the west of Gascony. The information came from the Cartulaire PRIEVRE’ St John, de Saint MONT, which is in Armagnac country on the river ADOUR



In the first survey 15 of the family were mentioned and 19 in the later survey. The names were BERNARDUS SANCHE and BERNARDUS GARSIA, many GARSIAS, several Sanches, a DONAT, a LOUP, an AQUIELMUS/WILLIAM and once the title LORD FUERT. The towns or villages can be identified. For instance ZARTIGA is modern LARTIGE; BARCIOS is modern BASSOUSE; BADAS is modern BAZIAN, DESPANIA is ESPARGNET; etc.

The taxes paid by each man were shown in BANNAS and MODIOS (local currencies).
The interesting point about his survey is the appearance of Spanish names such as SANCHE and GARSIAS, and ‘strange’ names such as DONAT and LOUP which were valuable clues to the two earlier centuries!


The following family tree is necessarily highly speculative.
Why this does not matter is revealed in chapter 40.

Bernardus Sanche (?1080 - ?) = ?

Bernardu FOSSAT of Mezins (?1100 - ?) Bishop of Agen = ?

Bernardo des FORC (?1120 - ?) = SANCIA

Bernard de FOEST (?1140 - ?) archpriest of ORNON = ?

Bernard del FOSSAR (?1160 - aft 1196) = ?

see next tree below





William FORT

Bernard del FOSSAR (?1160 - aft 1196) = ?


Bernard ODON FORTO (?1200 - ?) = ?

Bernard de Fourcès (?1220 - ?) = (abt 1240) CLARMONDE

Bernard de Fourcès (?1240 - ?) = ?

Bernard de Fourcès (?1260 - ?) = ?

Bernard JOURDAIN de la Force/Forsa seigneur du chateau de Fourcès (?1280 - ?) = Baudoine DUPORT

Go to chapter 27

ARCHAMBALD de la Force


Guillaume de Fourcès (? - aft 1247)

Guillaume Bernard

Some curiosities of interest

In BOURG-sur-MER, outside Bordeaux 22 Mars 1273 'AYQUARDUS FFORTON major et GAUCELMUS FFORTON et WILLELMUS FFORTON, jurati et requisiti pro communia de BURGO reconnaissance feodale donneé par les bourgeois de la petite villeau Roi d’Angleterre' They put in a good description of their wines at the same time as the fealty oath. There are three generations of WILLIAMS shown in one paragraph!

In 1273 ATHONE/ANTHONY de FOLIBUS, nobilibus was a witness at the royal marriage of the Infanta of ARRAGON (Spanish Kingdom).

In 1254-86, RAYMOND FORT, a Knight and Chevalier of LADOS (near BAZAS) bought land for 175 livres en monnaie Bordelaise, the 70th partie du port de THOUARS sur la Garonne.

In 1253 'Le Roi d’Angleterre (Henry III) prie le maire et jurats de Bordeaux de l’accompagne en armes juscuà Bergerace. Le monarque declare que GAILLARD (WILLIAM) de La Force et HELIE PREVOST ont quitte BERGERAC pour rentra son service et qu’il doit reparer les de’penses et les pertes (losses) que leur a causé cette demarche.' In 1254 Edward, Duke of Gascogne (future King Edward I) had a conference in Bayonne, near Biarritz attended by PIERRE WILLIAM de FFURNO, WILLIAM de la FAUS, and JOHANNES de FFOSSAD.

15 May 1244 GERALD, Seigneur de FORCES (son of HUGO) married ALPAYS/ASPASIA, only daughter of BERNARD JOURDAIN, Sieur de L’ISLE-JOURDAIN (NW of Toulouse). ALPAYS received a ‘dot’, dowry of 'CENT MARCS D’ARGENT PAR DROIT d’INSTITUTION et d’HERITE? GERAULD received ?DEUX MILLE FOLS de MORLAS en dot.' They both seemed to have done rather well! GERALD became Consul of AUCH in 1255.

The most swashbuckling member of the family in the 12th century seems to have been PEREGRIN de Fourcès de FORCEZ Bishop of Condom ‘de cette noble et ancienne famille, recut une multitude de donations qui enrichent l’abbaye de Condom placée sous sa conduite et vendivent sa seigneurie l’une de plus importantes de la Gascoigne (MONTLEZUN f.2 p416) Il portait pour armes au premier et au quatieme d’or au lion de gueules au deuxieme et troisieme d’argent a une corneille de sable.’ He was abbot 1158-1187. Some of the chartes showed however that there were several rebellions amongst his flock and that he was not as benevolent to them as an eveque (bishop) should be.’

In 1181 FORSENATIUS, was Maitre de l’hopital du Temple de JERUSALEM in Quercy. In 1115 William de FORCE went to war in Spain to besiege SARAGOSSA.

In 1125 GAUTIER/WILLIAM, ARNAULD & GERAULD du FOSSAT and their mother GIRALDE, gave lands and money to FORCIUS of VIC-FEZENSAC ‘entre les mains de l’eveque/bishop d’Agen’ to build a new monastery called PARADISE (East of CONDOM).

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Contact: Ken Baldry for more information, 17 Gerrard Road, Islington, London N1 8AY +44(0)20 7359 6294 but best to e-mail him
©1980-2004 Patrick Delaforce. All rights reserved Last revised 18/12/2005